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Setting Up SAS/ASSIST Software

Command-line Options

Listed below are the various command-line options you can use with the ASSIST command. Refer to Chapter 12, "Doing More with Setup," in Doing More with SAS/ASSIST for more information on the LOGON=, LOGOFF=, and PRIMARY= command-line options.


specifies an alternate SASPARM table. The syntax for this command is

ASSIST PARMSDS='libref.member-name'

The libref.member-name argument specifies a two-level name for the alternate SASPARM table. SAS/ASSIST software uses the specified alternate SASPARM table instead of the SASUSER.SASPARM table.


specifies an application that initiates when you invoke SAS/ASSIST software. The syntax for this command is

ASSIST LOGON='libref.applds.applname.appltype'

The libref.applds.applname.appltype argument specifies a four-level name for the application. The default application database is SASUSER.SASAPPL. This option accomplishes the same function as Logon exit... in Setup; LOGON=NO overrides Logon exit....


specifies an application that initiates when you exit SAS/ASSIST software. The syntax for this command is

ASSIST LOGOFF='libref.applds.applname.appltype'

The libref.applds.applname.appltype argument specifies a four-level name for the application. The default application database is SASUSER.SASAPPL. This option accomplishes the same function as Logoff exit... in Setup; LOGOFF=NO overrides Logoff exit....


specifies an alternate primary menu application that appears when you access SAS/ASSIST software with the ASSIST command or when you select the Main menu button from within SAS/ASSIST software. The syntax for this command is

ASSIST PRIMARY= 'libref.applds.applname.appltype'

The libref.applds.applname.appltype argument specifies a four-level name for the application. The default application database is SASUSER.SASAPPL. This option accomplishes the same task as Alternate main menu... in Logon/logoff exits...; PRIMARY= NO overrides Alternate main menu....

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