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Doing More with the Report Engine

Modifying a Report with Usages

The values of Usage define what a column represents and change the appearance of the report. The following table describes the different values of Usage. Note that SUM, MEAN, MIN, MAX, AVG, COUNT, N, and NMISS are aggregate (summary) functions.

Usage Description
PAGE creates a new page at each new column value. PAGE is used with the ACROSS, GROUP, or BREAK usages. PAGE is valid only with a report of type TABLE. With other types of reports, PAGE is used like a GROUP usage. The corresponding SAS/GRAPH option for this usage is BY, which creates a new page for each BY value.
GROUP groups data by the values in the column. The corresponding SAS/GRAPH option for this usage is GROUP, which organizes bars and pies into groups by different values of the GROUP variable.
ACROSS groups the report into subgroups across the report. The corresponding SAS/GRAPH option for this usage is ACROSS, which is used to place multiple pies "across" on a page and also is used by the LEGEND statement.
BREAK computes one summary for each column in a LIST report. With other types of reports, BREAK is used like a GROUP usage.
SUM computes the sum of the values. The corresponding SAS/GRAPH option for this usage is SUM, which prints the value of the sum statistic above bars.
MEAN computes the mean of the values. The corresponding SAS/GRAPH option for this usage is MEAN, which is the value of the statistic for the variable being used for calculations.
MIN computes the smallest value
MAX computes the largest value
AVG computes the average of the values (equal to mean)
COUNT computes the number of nonmissing values
N computes the number of nonmissing values
NMISS computes the number of missing values

The following display shows the AIRLINE.MARCH table in the Report Engine window. All of the modifications made in the previous section are in effect; in addition, the report has been further modified so that the report shows totals (SUM usage) for the number of boarded and nonpaying passengers. A forward slash (/ ) has been inserted in the column header for the Max No. of boarded passengers so the header breaks after the word Max.

Report Engine Window with AIRLINE.MARCH Table and More Modifications

[Report Engine Window with AIRLINE.MARCH Table and More Modifications]

The following display shows the passenger information report grouped by date with the sum of the boarded passengers, the maximum number of boarded passengers, and the sum of the nonpaying passengers. The report has been scrolled forward to show the sums for the boarded and nonpaying columns.

AIRLINE.MARCH Listing Report with More Modifications

[AIRLINE.MARCH Listing Report with More Modifications]

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