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Doing More with the Report Engine

Saving Reports

Saving a Report to a SAS Catalog

To save Report Engine window selections for future use, select Save As from the File menu in the Report Engine window. The Save As window appears.

Type a name and, optionally, a description for the report and the catalog where you want to save the report. Select OK to save the report or Cancel to cancel the save. If the report name exists, you are prompted to select OK again to write over the existing report, or you can type a new name for the report. After you name the report, you can use Save from the File menu to save the report again.

For a list of existing reports, type a ? in the Name field of the Save As window. You can type S in the Cmd field to select a report from the resulting selection list. For a list of available catalogs, type a ? in the Catalog field. Select the catalog from the resulting selection list.

Report Engine window selections are saved as type REPORT.

Saving Report Output to a SAS Catalog

To save a report output to a SAS catalog for future use, select Save As from the File menu in the Report Output window. The Save As window appears.

Type a name and, optionally, a description for the report output and the catalog where you want to save the report output. Select OK to save the report output or Cancel to cancel the save. If the report output name exists, you are prompted to type a new name or to select OK again to write over the existing report output.

If a new entry has the same name as an existing ASSIST entry, you might not receive a prompt that warns about overwriting an existing entry.

If you last saved from one of the three windows that has a different type than the one you are currently saving, you might not receive the warning prompt and your entry will be overwritten.   [cautionend]

You can view a selection list of existing OUTPUT entries and catalogs in the same manner as described for reports in the previous section.

Report output is saved as type OUTPUT. You can access your saved output using the Result Manager or the Report Output Manager. Refer to Doing More with Results for additional information.

Saving a Report to an External File

Before you save your report to an external file, make sure that the value for the Output window User Profile option is set to Report in your user profile. See Customizing SAS/ASSIST Software for more information.

To save the report to an external file, follow this path from the Report Engine Window or the Report Output Window:

View [arrow] Report Output ManagerThe Report Output Manager window appears as shown in the following display.

Report Output Manager Window

[Report Output Manager Window]

Type F (for File) in the Cmd field next to the report you want to save and press ENTER. The Save Task to External File window appears as shown in the following display.

Save Task to External File Window

[Save Task to External File Window]

In the Save file to field, type the name of the external file where you want to store the report and select OK. Select Close from the File menu to return to the Report Engine window.

Saving a Dynamic Report as a SAS Table

Dynamic (or drilldown) reports are described in detail in the "Using the Report Engine" chapter of Getting Started with SAS/ASSIST. You can save the information for a column in a dynamic report to a SAS table or view. For example, if you select Flight to see the column values for the aggregation level as shown in the following display, you can save the data in the report to a SAS table or view.

Dynamic Report With Flight Information

[Dynamic Report With Flight Information]

To save information from a dynamic report to a SAS table, follow these instructions:
  1. Select Save As SAS Table... from the File menu. The Create SAS Table/View window appears.

    Create SAS Table/View Window

    [Create SAS Table/View Window]

  2. In the Name field, type the two-level name of the SAS table or view that you want to create. If you omit the libname, the table is placed in the temporary WORK library.

  3. Select Table or View for the Type.

  4. Select OK. The SAS Table/View Creation Status window appears, as shown in the following display, indicating that the table or view was created.

    SAS Table/View Creation Status Window

    [SAS Table/View Creation Status Window]

  5. Select View to browse the table or view that you just created. After you have finished browsing the table or view, select Close from the File menu to return to the SAS Table/View Creation Status window. Select Goback to return to the Dynamic Report window.

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