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Doing More with Report Writing

Adding More than Four Titles to a Report

When you create a report and select Edit in a report window to add titles to your report, you can add only four titles to your report. However, if you save the report source code, you can edit the report program using the Result Manager to add additional titles.

In this section, you access the source code you saved in the previous section, edit the program, add five titles to the report, and re-execute the program.

Additional Information

For additional information on writing reports, refer to the "Report Writing" and "Using the Report Engine" chapters in Getting Started with SAS/ASSIST. For more information on the Result Manager, see the "Using the Result Manager" chapter in Getting Started with SAS/ASSIST and Doing More with Results.


  1. Follow this selection path to display the Result Manager window:Tools [arrow] Result Manager

    Result Manager Window

    [Result Manager Window]

  2. In the Cmd field for the CLASSRST source entry, type E (for Edit) and press ENTER. The Edit window appears with the source code for the listing report.

  3. Place the cursor in the line number for the title statement. Type I 5 and press ENTER. Five blank rows are inserted between the title statement and the footnote statement.

  4. Type the following code in the five blank lines you created in the previous step:

    title1 "SASUSER.CLASS Listing Report";
    title2 "For Mr. Smith's class";
    title3 "Including age, height, weight,";
    title4 "and gender data";
    title5 "(first five rows only)";

    Your program should now resemble the following display.

    Edited Listing Report Program

    [Edited Listing Report Program]

  5. Follow this selection path to save your modified program:File [arrow] SaveA message appears, warning you that the program already exists. Select R, then OK to overwrite the program. A message appears, indicating the number of lines in the program that were saved to a catalog entry.

  6. Follow this selection path to return to the Result Manager window:File [arrow] Close

  7. Type X in the Cmd field for the CLASSRST program and press ENTER to execute the program. The report with five titles appears in the OUTPUT window.

    CLASS Listing Report with Five Titles

    [CLASS Listing Report with Five Titles]

  8. Return to SAS/ASSIST software from the Output window. See Returning to SAS/ASSIST Windows from the Output Window for more information.

  9. To exit the Result Manager window, follow this selection path:File [arrow] Close

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