two methods of setting the _ARMEXEC macro variable are during compilation
or execution. Both methods are explained in
Setting the _ARMEXEC Macro Variable. You can use a combination of these methods. For example,
set _ARMEXEC to 1 using the compilation method (perhaps in an autoexec
file at SAS initialization). Then code a menu option or element within
the application to turn _ARMEXEC on and off dynamically using the
CALL SYMPUT statement.
In SCL, if _ARMEXEC is not set to 1, when the program compiles, all macros are set
to null. The
ARM interface is also unavailable until it is recompiled with _ARMEXEC set to 1.
In addition, to enable proper compilation of the macros within SCL, you must set
the _ARMSCL global macro variable to 1 before issuing any ARM macros. The _ARMSCL
macro variable suppresses the generation of DROP statements,
which are invalid in SCL.