The SAS language enables
you to use the SAS logging facility in a DATA step and in macro programs.
Using SAS logging facility language elements, you can create appenders,
loggers, and log events in your SAS programs. Loggers that you create
in your SAS program can reference appenders that are created in your
SAS program, or appenders that are defined in a logging configuration
file. When you create a log event in your SAS program, the logger
that you specify in the log event can be one that was created in your
SAS program. Or it can be one that is defined in the logging configuration
file. For more information, see SAS Logging: Configuration and Programming Reference.
SAS processes the logging facility language elements
whether the
LOCCONFIGLOC= system option specifies a logging configuration file. If
the LOGCONFIGLOC= system option does not specify a logging configuration
file, all SAS logging facility messages are written to the SAS log.
The messages also are written to the SAS logging facility location
specified in the log event.
The following list contains
other information needed to use the SAS logging facility and the SAS
logging facility
is enabled for
SAS programs at all times. The LOGCONFIGLOC= system option does not
have to be specified for the logging facility to operate in SAS programs.
create appenders
in your SAS program before
you create loggers or invoke a log event. The only appender class
that you can create is FileRefAppender, which specifies to write messages
to a file that is referenced by a fileref. For information about ARMAppender,
ARM Appender Overview.
create loggers
in your SAS program by using either the %LOG4SAS_LOGGER autocall macro, the LOG4SAS_LOGGER function,
or the logger object DECLARE statement. Loggers must be created after you create appenders
and before you invoke a log event. For information about the Perf.
ARM logger, see
ARM Logger Overview.
After loggers and appenders are
created, you can
add log events to your SAS program. You insert log events anywhere in
your program or DATA step that you want to log a message. A log event
takes three arguments, a logger name, a level, and the log message.