ARM Appender Pattern Layouts for ARM Messages

The ARM appender includes options to create the output message format. The options are in the form of pattern layouts, which consist of a named diagnostic context recognized by the ARM appender. The following tables list the diagnostic context pattern layouts for the ARM appender.
All text is case sensitive in the SAS logging configuration file. Enter elements, names, attribute names, and literal values as they are shown in the ConversionPattern syntax.
Application Level Specifications
Application name that is specified in the configuration file. A SAS ARM macro initializes the application call or the LOGAPPLNAME= option.
A unique ID that is associated with an application instance.
A unique ID that is associated with the application class.
The group name of the application instances. The value is specified in the configuration file or user ID, if available.
Application Metric Specifications
The time-of-day value for the ARM application start event.
The process system CPU time at the ARM application start event.
The process user CPU time at the ARM application start event.
The time-of-day value for the ARM application end event.
System CPU time for the ARM application end event.
User CPU time for the ARM application end event.
All text is case sensitive in the SAS logging configuration file. Enter elements, names, attribute names, and literal values as they are shown in the ConversionPattern syntax.
Transaction Level Specifications
Transaction name, specified in the appropriate ARM start transaction call.
The transaction state: init, start, stop, update, block, unblock, or discard.
A unique ID that is associated with the transaction class.
A unique ID that is associated with a transaction instance.
The transaction correlator for the transaction instance returned by the start transaction event.
The transaction correlator for the direct ancestor transaction, automatically generated when the ManageCorrelators parameter is enabled.
The value specified for the stop transaction event, such as good, aborted, failed, or unknown.
The current user ID that is associated with the transaction.
Transaction Metric Specifications
The time-of-day value for the current transaction block event. (Reserved for future use.)
The time-of-day value for the current transaction stop event.
The total number of process disk, tape, or related input and output operations for a transaction. The computed delta between start and stop transaction events.1
Process current system CPU time for the ARM event.
Current time-of-day value for the ARM event.
Process system CPU time for the current transaction block event. (Reserved for future use.)
Process user CPU time for the current transaction block event. (Reserved for future use.)
Calculated system CPU time for the duration of the transaction.
Calculated elapsed time for the duration of the transaction.
Calculated user CPU time for the duration of the transaction.
The total number of process disk, tape, or related input and output operations for the transaction event.1
Current process memory utilization for the transaction event.
Process the highest amount of memory used for the transaction event.
Process system CPU time for the current transaction start event.
Current process thread count for the transaction event.
%X{ARM.TranStart.Thread_High }
Process the highest thread count for the transaction event.
The time-of-day value for the current transaction start event.
Process user CPU time for the current transaction start event.
The total number of process disk, tape, or related input and output operations for the transaction event.1
Current process memory utilization for the transaction event.
Process the highest amount of memory used for the transaction event.
Process system CPU time for the current transaction stop event.
Current process thread count for the transaction event.
%X{ARM.TranStop.Thread_High }
Process the highest thread count for the transaction event.
Process user CPU time for the current transaction stop event.
Process current user CPU time for the ARM event.
1%X{ARM.IO_Count} is the computed delta between start and stop transaction events. %X{ARM.TranStart.IO_Count} and %X{ARM.TranStop.IO_Count} are just counts, not computed deltas.
ARM 2.0 Transaction Metric Specifications
ARM 2.0 format 1 metric data.
ARM 2.0 format 2 data buffer contents for ARM update records.
ARM 2.0 format 101 metric metadata data buffer contents.
ARM 2.0 output record format message contents.
ARM 2.0 transaction detail information.
ARM 2.0 data buffers are changed to ARM 4.0 sub-buffers.
ARM Sub-Buffer Metric Values
ARM sub-buffer metric type (n value can be 1 ... 7).
ARM sub-buffer metric usage (n value can be 1 ... 7), values are general, transaction, or transaction name.
ARM sub-buffer metric value (n value can be 1 ... 7).
String description of the metric, such as files transferred (n value can be 1 ... 7).
ARM 2.0 data buffers are changed to ARM 4.0 sub-buffers.
ARM Transaction Identity and Context Sub-Buffers
Optional transaction class name properties.
Optional transaction class value properties.
Optional transaction URI.
Optional transaction context instance name.
Optional transaction context instance value.
Optional transaction context instance URI.