JVM Tuning Guidelines for HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, and Windows
The following tuning guidelines apply to HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, and Windows platforms:
Increase the value of the -Xms
option to equal that of the -Xmx option. These values can be increased
if there is enough demand, but ideally they should be set to the same
value to avoid the overhead of expansion and contraction. Depending
on the usage patterns observed, try to ensure that there is at least
500 MB heap free.
Identify the amount of permanent
generation that is required, and set the -XX:PermSize and -XX:MaxPermSize
options to equal values sufficient for the needs of the environment.
Permanent Generation should be sized as small as possible, leaving
approximately 200–300 MB of unused space for class loading
and unloading.
Generally, for the AIX platform, set the value of the
-Xms option to be no larger than 50% of the value of the -Xmx option,
to avoid fragmentation from pinned objects. The -Xmx option might
need to be increased in heavily used environments.