
See computer cluster.
computer cluster (cluster)
a set of connected nodes (computers that are used as servers) in a centralized, cohesive system that shares computing tasks across the system for fast, reliable processing. A computer cluster can be as simple as two machines connected in a network, but more often refers to a large network of computers. A cluster can be established to achieve higher levels of performance and load distribution, or to increase reliability through redundancy.
to install an instance of operational SAS software and related components. The deployment process often includes configuration and testing as well.
performance tuning (tuning)
one or more modifications to a computer system that enables the system to handle a higher processing load. Performance tuning generally follows a series of steps to analyze system behavior, modify areas that cause bottlenecks, and test for improvement.
a group of server connections that can be shared and reused by multiple client applications. A client-side pool consists of one or more puddles. See also puddle.
a web application that enables users to access websites, data, documents, applications, and other digital content from a single, easily accessible user interface. A portal's personalization features enable each user to configure and organize the interface to meet individual or role-based needs. See also portlet.
a web component that is managed by a web application and that is aggregated with other portlets to form a page within the application. Portlets can process requests from the user and generate dynamic content.
a group of servers that are started and run using the same login credentials. Each puddle can also allow a group of clients to access the servers. See also pool.
SAS Application Server
a logical entity that represents the SAS server tier, which in turn comprises servers that execute code for particular tasks and metadata objects.
SAS Management Console
a Java application that provides a single user interface for performing SAS administrative tasks.
SAS Metadata Repository
a container for metadata that is managed by the SAS Metadata Server.
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform
a collection of middle-tier services and applications that provide infrastructure and integration features that are shared by SAS web applications and other HTTP clients.
SAS Workspace Server
a SAS server that provides access to SAS Foundation features such as the SAS programming language and SAS libraries.
one or more application components that an authorized user or application can call at any time to provide results that conform to a published specification. For example, network services transmit data or provide conversion of data in a network, database services provide for the storage and retrieval of data in a database, and web services interact with each other on the World Wide Web.
See performance tuning.