Returns a queue identifier (qid) handle that represents the format name of the desired queue.



Required Arguments

Character, input
Represents the queue's pathname or actual format name of the queue, if known. If an MSMQ pathname is used to represent the queue, then it is converted to an MSMQ format name. Possible pathName representations are as follows:
  • Public queue: machineName\QueueName
  • Public queue's journal: machineName\QueueName;Journal
  • Private queue: machineName\PRIVATE$\QueueName
  • Private queue's journal: machineName\PRIVATE$\QueueName;Journal
  • Machine journal queue: machineName\JOURNAL
  • Machine deadletter queue: machineName\DEADLETTER
  • Machine transaction deadletter queue: machineName\DEADXACT
Note: machineName can be substituted with '.' to designate the local machine. If the actual format name of the queue is known, then this call can be used to transform it into the expected unicode string.
  • Possible format name representations are as follows:Public queue: public=QueueGUID
  • Public queue's journal: public=QueueGUID;JOURNAL
  • Private queue: private=machineGUID\QueueNumber
  • Private queue's journal: private=machineGUID\QueueNumber;JOURNAL
  • Direct public queue: direct=AddressSpec\QueueName
  • Direct private queue: direct=AddressSpec\PRIVATE$\QueueName
    where AddressSpec is of the form protocol:address (For example, tcp:
  • Machine journal queue: machine=machineGUID;JOURNAL
  • Machine deadletter queue: machine=machineGUID;DEADLETTER
  • Machine transaction deadletter queue: machine=machineGUID;DEADXACT
  • Foreign queue: connector=ForeignCNGUID
  • Foreign transaction queue: connector=ForeignCNGUID:XACTONLY
Numeric, output
Returns the queue identifier that represents the format name of the queue.
Numeric, output
Provides the return code from the CALL routine. If an error occurs, then the return code is nonzero. A return code of -1 reflects a SAS internal error. Otherwise, it represents an MSMQ error code. You can use the SAS function SYSMSG() to obtain a textual description of the return code.

Example: Example

This example obtains the format name of a queue from the pathname.
length msg $ 200;
CALL MSMQPATHTOFORMAT("pcpad\testq", qid, rc);
if rc ^= 0 then do;
   put 'MSMQPathToFormat: failed';
   msg = sysmsg();
   put msg;
else put 'MSMQPathToFormat: succeeded';