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Overview of Application Messaging

Supported Platforms for the SAS Messaging Interfaces

WebSphere MQ Functional Interface and the SAS Common Messaging Interface

The SAS interfaces to WebSphere MQ version 6 and later are supported for the following platforms:

The SAS interfaces to WebSphere MQ Client version 6 and later are supported in the following platforms:

MSMQ Functional Interface

The SAS interfaces to Microsoft Message Queuing Services (MSMQ) are supported on all of the 32-bit and 64-bit Windows platforms that are supported by SAS.


SAS Integration Technologies supports both the reliable and certified message delivery features of TIB/Rendezvous Release 7.5.4 and later.

Support for using TIB/Rendezvous with the SAS Common Messaging Interface is available in the following operating environments:

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