Source Window

The Source window provides a text editor for creating and editing SAS Component Language (SCL) programs.
You can edit a frame's SCL entry by selecting Viewthen selectFrame SCL or by selecting Frame SCL from the frame's pop-up menu.
You can also open the Source window by
  • double-clicking an existing SCL entry in the SAS Explorer
  • creating a new SCL entry via the BUILD command
  • clicking the Source window icon on the toolbar
  • issuing the SOURCE command from a FRAME or PROGRAM entry
Note: Avoid opening frame SCL entries in a Source window or by double-clicking them in the SAS Explorer. Instead, open a frame SCL entry from within its respective frame. A frame SCL entry must be compiled along with its respective frame. If you open a frame SCL entry outside of its frame and inadvertently compile the frame SCL entry, you will produce errors.
SAS/AF Build Window
SAS/AF Build Window
For information about SCL, see Adding SAS Component Language Programs to Frames.