Displaying Attachments

If you click within a section while in define attachment mode and an attachment is defined from that section, a message reports exactly what kind of attachment it is. This information is useful when the connection points are so close together that it is difficult to determine the attachment type and direction from the visual indicator. For example, if you click on the right side of the d component in the previous window, the following message is displayed:
NOTE: Relative attachment (in) of right to right of parent.
You can also view the attachments for a component or a component's child components without entering define attachment mode. To do this, issue the following command:
rm showatt [all|kids]
If you issue just the RM SHOWATT command, the attachments for the current component are shown. An arrow shows the attachments, and the message line displays the following message:
NOTE: Press any key to return.
If you issue RM SHOWATT KIDS, the attachments for all of the active component's child components are shown. If you specify RM SHOWATT ALL, all attachments for all components that are descended from the current component are shown.
After you use RM SHOWATT, the visual attachment indicators remain displayed until you press a mouse button or a keyboard key.