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Maps Supplied with SAS/GIS Software

Maps Produced by the SAS/GIS Tutorial

Two sample maps are produced by the SAS/GIS Tutorial. The maps are created automatically when the tutorial is invoked by selecting Help [arrow] Getting Started with SAS/GIS Software [arrow] Begin Tutorial from the GIS Map window. You can also create the maps without invoking the Tutorial by selecting Help [arrow]  Getting Started with SAS/GIS Software [arrow] Create Data.

These maps are created in the SASUSER library, so changes made to these maps can be saved. The following list provides the name of the map, and the spatial data sets, catalogs, and data sets associated with each map. These two maps are defined in the same spatial database; that is, they use the same spatial data even though the maps are not identical.


This map includes TRACT boundaries for several tracts in Wake County, North Carolina. The map also includes point layers MALL, PARK, and SCHOOL. The map does not have a theme defined for the TRACT layer. A STREET layer is also included in this map. A Drill action defined for the MALL layer allows users to drill down to a detailed floor plan of a mall (SASUSER.MALL.STORES).

Associated catalog and data sets:

MALL Catalog
MALLC Chains data set
MALLN Nodes data set
MALLD Details data set
MALLTI Polygonal index data set for the TRACT layer
MALLPOP Attribute data set


This map consists of STORE and ATRIUM boundaries for a fictitious shopping mall. The map includes FIRE and SPRINK line layers, which depict fire exits and sprinkler systems, as well as the following point layers: INFO, PHONE, RESTROOM, STROLLER, SECURITY, and ALARM.

There are two actions defined for this map. The STOREPIC image action displays a picture of a store when one of the areas of the STORE layer is selected. The CHART Program action creates a bar chart of the square footage of the selected store(s).

Associated catalog and data sets:

MALL Catalog
MALLC Chains data set
MALLN Nodes data set
MALLD Details data set
MALLSI Polygonal index data set for the STORE layer
MALLAI Polygonal index data set for the ATRIUM layer
MALLSTOR Attribute data set

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