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Maps Supplied with SAS/GIS Software

Maps in the NC Catalog


This map consists of COUNTY and ZIP code boundaries in North Carolina, along with a CITY layer representing the locations of major cities. A Drill action defined for this map enables users to drill down to a map of Wake County (MAPS.WAKE.TRACT) by selecting Wake County and running the DRILL action. This map contains three additional actions that can be run for the selected ZIP code:

  • A Browse action that displays population and household data.

  • A Program action named SUMMARY that executes a MEANS procedure and produces a summary for the ZIP code.

  • A Program action named TREND that produces a line graph depicting population and housing trends.

Associated catalog and data sets:

NC Catalog
NCC Chains data set
NCN Nodes data set
NCD Details data set
NCCTI Polygonal index data set for the COUNTY layer
NCZIPI Polygonal index data set for the ZIP layer
NCCTLAB Label data set for the CITY layer
NCLAB Label data set for the CITY layer
NCWKLAB Label data set for the COUNTY layer (Wake County)
NCAZ Attribute data set

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