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Batch Importing

Overview of Batch Importing

The SAS/GIS Batch Import process allows you to use SAS Component Language (SCL) code to import data into SAS/GIS without using the interactive GIS Spatial Data Importing window, or even invoking SAS/GIS. This feature can be useful when you have large amounts of data to import. For example, it lets you set up a batch job to run overnight.

The SAS/GIS Batch Import process allows you to define the values that are needed for the import through macro variables and SAS filerefs. After you define the values, you then call an SCL entry to actually initiate the import. The process has three main steps:

  1. Specify the input parameters.

    Include the definitions of the type of data to import, the location of the input spatial data, and any other specifications for identification variables (not necessary for all import types). You define the input parameters either by setting the values of macro variables or by assigning filerefs (depending on the import type).

  2. Specify the output parameters.

    Include the library in which the output spatial data sets and catalogs will be stored, name specifications for catalogs, data sets and catalog entries, and whether they will be created, replaced, or updated. You define all output parameters by setting the values of macro variables.

  3. Initiate the batch import

    Execute the SASHELP.GISIMP.BATCH.SCL entry to start the Batch Import process. You do not pass any parameters directly to the SCL entry; the parameters must all have been defined through macro variables and filerefs before you call the SCL entry.

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