Creating Reports

First Report Style

The first report style displays analysis variables as rows and statistics as columns.

First Report Style

Figure 6.12: First Report Style


In the Statistics tab, select one or more statistics from the candidate list and click on the Statistics button to apply the statistics to the data in your report.

Statistics Tab

Figure 6.13: Statistics Tab

Analysis Variables

An analysis variable is a variable for which statistics are computed. In the Analysis Variables tab, select one or more analysis variables from the candidate list and click on the Analysis Variables button to use these as analysis variables in your report.

Analysis Variables Tab

Figure 6.14: Analysis Variables Tab


The Summary tab displays all of your selections. You can change the order of statistics and analysis variables by selecting the items in their lists and clicking the up and down arrows to change their position. Columns and rows in the resulting table are displayed in the tree view on the right.

Summary Tab

Figure 6.15: Summary Tab

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