Customizing Your Session

Table Settings

In the Table tab, you can specify the fonts and initial edit mode of your data tables.

Viewer Settings Dialog Table Tab

Figure 4.2: Viewer Settings Dialog,Table Tab

Under Table fonts, click on the arrows next to the Data: and Label: fields to select a font for the data and column headings in the data table.

Under Show columns with, select column Names or Labels to be displayed as column headings.

Under Open data files for, specify the mode in which data tables are to be opened. Browse mode prevents any editing of the table. Edit mode allows table editing, and Shared Edit allows multiple users to edit table values concurrently for tables that are accessed through a SAS/SHARE server. These modes can also be changed from the Edit menu when the data table is open.

Under When editing large data files, you can control processing speed by setting a warning for files that are greater than a certain size.

If you have checked Warn before opening large files to edit, and the file is larger than the limit you have specified, a message warns you that the data file is large and prompts you to either open a copy or open the data file directly. Opening a copy of the data file takes longer. Opening the data file directly is faster, but changes to the data table cannot be undone.

Click on the up or down arrows to specify the file size limit.

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