Summary of Tasks

Statistical Tasks

The following tables provide a list of capabilities available in the Analyst Application statistical tasks (Statistics menu).

Table A.12: Capabilities in the Descriptive: Summary Statistics Task
Capability Dialog
Box-and-whisker plot Plots
Coefficient of variation Statistics
Corrected sum of squares Statistics
Histogram Plots
Kurtosis Statistics
Maximum Statistics
Mean Statistics
Median Statistics
Minimum Statistics
Number of missing observations Statistics
Number of observations Statistics
Output appearance Output
Probability of t Statistics
Range Statistics
Skewness Statistics
Standard deviation Statistics
Standard error Statistics
Student's t Statistics
Sum Statistics
Uncorrected sum of squares Statistics
Variance Statistics
Table A.13: Capabilities in the Descriptive: Distributions Task
Capability Dialog
Box-and-whisker plot Plots
Descriptive statistics default
Exponential, fitted distribution Fit
Extreme observations default
Histogram Plots
Lognormal, fitted distribution Fit
Median default
Moments default
Normal, fitted distribution Fit
Percentiles default
Probability plot Plots
Quantile-quantile plot Plots
Quantiles default
Sign statistic default
Signed rank statistic default
Tests for location default
Weibull, fitted distribution Fit
Table A.14: Capabilities in the Descriptive: Correlations Task
Capability Dialog
Confidence ellipses Plots
Corrected SSCP matrix Options
Covariances Options
Cronbach's alpha Options
Descriptive statistics Options
Hoeffding's D Options
Kendall's tau-b Options
p-values Options
Pearson correlations Options
Scatter plots Plots
Spearman correlations Options
SSCP matrix Options
Table A.15: Capabilities in the Descriptive: Frequency Counts Task
Capability Dialog
Bar charts Plots
Cumulative frequencies Tables
Cumulative percentages Tables
Frequencies Tables
Order, variable levels Input
Percentages Tables
Table A.16: Capabilities in the Table Analysis Task
Capability Dialog
Chi-square statistics Statistics
Fisher's exact test for r×c tables Statistics
Frequencies Tables
Likelihood ratio chi-square Statistics
Mantel-Haenszel statistics Statistics
McNemar's test for 2×2 tables Statistics
Measures of agreement Statistics
Measures of association Statistics
Odds ratios for 2×2 tables Statistics
Order, variable levels Input
Pearson chi-square Statistics
Pearson correlation coefficient Statistics
Percentages Tables
Simple kappa coefficient Statistics
Spearman correlation coefficient Statistics
Weighted kappa coefficient Statistics
Table A.17: Capabilities in the Hypothesis Tests: One-Sample Z-test for a Mean Task
Capability Dialog
Alternative hypotheses Main
Bar chart Plots
Box-and-whisker plot Plots
Confidence intervals Tests
Mean comparison value Main
Normal distribution plot Plots
Population standard deviation Main
Population variance Main
Power analysis Tests
Table A.18: Capabilities in the Hypothesis Tests: One-Sample t-test for a Mean Task
Capability Dialog
Alternative hypotheses Main
Bar chart Plots
Box-and-whisker plot Plots
Confidence intervals Tests
Mean comparison value Main
Power analysis Tests
t distribution plot Plots
Table A.19: Capabilities in the Hypothesis Tests: One-Sample Test for a Proportion Task
Capability Dialog
Alternative hypotheses Main
Bar chart Plots
Confidence intervals Tests
Normal distribution plot Plots
Table A.20: Capabilities in the Hypothesis Tests: One-Sample Test for a Variance Task
Capability Dialog
Alternative hypotheses Main
Box-and-whisker plot Plots
Confidence intervals Tests
Probability distribution plot Plots
Variance comparison value Main
Table A.21: Capabilities in the Hypothesis Tests: Two-Sample t-test for Means Task
Capability Dialog
Alternative hypotheses Main
Bar chart Plots
Box-and-whisker plot Plots
Confidence intervals Tests
Mean comparison value Main
Means plot Plots
Power analysis Tests
Stacked data Main
t distribution plot Plots
Unstacked data Main
Table A.22: Capabilities in the Hypothesis Tests: Two-Sample Paired t-test for Means Task
Capability Dialog
Alternative hypotheses Main
Bar chart Plots
Box-and-whisker plot Plots
Confidence intervals Tests
Mean comparison value Main
Means plot Plots
Power analysis Tests
t distribution plot Plots
Table A.23: Capabilities in the Hypothesis Tests: Two-Sample Test for Proportions Task
Capability Dialog
Alternative hypotheses Main
Bar chart Plots
Confidence intervals Tests
Normal distribution plot Plots
Stacked data Main
Unstacked data Main
Table A.24: Capabilities in the Hypothesis Tests: Two-Sample Test for Variances Task
Capability Dialog
Alternative hypotheses Main
Box-and-whisker plot Plots
Confidence intervals Tests
Probability distribution plot Plots
Stacked data Main
Unstacked data Main
Table A.25: Capabilities in the ANOVA: One-Way ANOVA Task
Capability Dialog
Bonferroni t-test Means
Box and whisker plot Plots
Duncan multiple-range test Means
Means comparisons Means
Means plots Plots
Power analysis Tests
R-square statistic default
Residual plots Plots
Tests of homogeneity of variance Tests
Tukey HSD test Means
Welch's variance-weighted ANOVA Tests
Table A.26: Capabilities in the ANOVA: Nonparametric One-Way ANOVA Task
Capability Dialog
Ansari-Bradley test Tests
Exact p-values Tests
Klotz test Tests
Kruskal-Wallis test Tests
Median test Tests
Mood test Tests
Savage test Tests
Siegel-Tukey test Tests
Van der Waerden test Tests
Wilcoxon test Tests
Table A.27: Capabilities in the ANOVA: Factorial ANOVA Task
Capability Dialog
Adjusted R-square statistic default
Bonferroni t-test Means
Covariance ratio Plots
Crossed effects Model
Duncan multiple-range test Means
Factorial models Model
Influence plots Plots
Interaction effects Model
Least-squares means Means
Leverage Plots
Means comparisons Means
Means plots Plots
Model building Model
Power analysis Tests
Predicted values Predictions
Prediction limits Predictions
R-square statistic default
Residual plots Plots
Residual values Predictions
Residuals, ordinary Plots
Residuals, standardized Plots
Residuals, studentized Plots
Tukey HSD test Means
Type 1, 2, 3, 4 sum of squares Statistics
Weighted least squares Tests
Table A.28: Capabilities in the ANOVA: Linear Models Task
Capability Dialog
Adjusted R-square statistic default
Bonferroni t-test Means
Classification effects Main
Covariance ratio Plots
Crossed effects Model
Duncan multiple-range test Means
Factorial models Model
Influence plots Plots
Interaction effects Model
Intercept Model
Least-squares means Means
Leverage Plots
Means comparisons Means
Means plots Plots
Model building Model
Multivariate tests Tests
Nested effects Model
Parameter estimates Statistics
Polynomial effects Model
Power analysis Tests
Predicted plots Plots
Predicted values Predictions
Prediction limits Predictions
R-square statistic default
Residual plots Plots
Residual values Predictions
Residuals, ordinary Plots
Residuals, standardized Plots
Residuals, studentized Plots
Scatter plots Plots
Tukey HSD test Means
Type 1, 2, 3, 4 sum of squares Statistics
Weighted least squares Tests
Table A.29: Capabilities in the ANOVA: Repeated Measures Task
Capability Dialog
Ante-dependence covariances, first order Model
Autoregressive covariances, first order Model
Chi-square test, likelihood ratio Statistics
Classification effects Main
Compound symmetry covariances Model
Confidence limits, covariance estimates Statistics
Confidence limits, parameter estimates Statistics
Covariance structures Model
Crossed effects Model
Factorial models Model
Fitting information default
Huynh-Feldt covariances Model
Information criteria summary Model
Interaction effects Model
Intercept Model
Least-squares means Means
Likelihood ratio test default
Means plots Plots
Model building Model
Nested effects Model
Parameter estimates Statistics
Polynomial effects Model
Predicted plots Plots
Predicted values Predictions
Prediction limits Predictions
Repeated effect Model
Residual plots Plots
Residual values Predictions
Scatter plots Plots
Subject effect Model
Toeplitz covariances Model
Type 1, 2, 3 sum of squares Statistics
Unstructured covariances Model
Variance components structure Model
Table A.30: Capabilities in the ANOVA: Mixed Models Task
Capability Dialog
Classification effects Main
Confidence level Options
Confidence limits, covariance parameter estimates default
Confidence limits, fixed effects estimates Options
Confidence limits, random effects estimates Options
Covariance parameter estimates default
Crossed effects Model
Estimation methods Options
Factorial models Model
Fitting information default
Fixed effects Model
Interaction effects Model
Intercept, fixed effects Model
Least-squares means Means
Main effects Model
Maximum likelihood estimation Options
Means plots, fixed effects Plots
Minimum variance quadratic unbiased estimation Options
Model building Model
Nested effects Model
Polynomial effects Model
Predicted means Predictions
Predicted value plots Plots
Predicted values, including random effects Predictions
Random effects Model
REML Options
Residual maximum likelihood estimation Options
Residual plots Plots
Satterthwaite method, fixed effects default
Scatter plots Plots
Solution, fixed effects parameters Options
Solution, random effects parameters Options
Types 1, 2, 3 estimation Options
Types 1, 2, 3 tests, fixed effects Tests
Variance components tests Tests
Table A.31: Capabilities in the Regression: Simple Task
Capability Dialog
Adjusted R-square statistic default
Coefficient of variation default
Confidence limits Plots
Confidence limits for estimates Statistics
Correlation matrix of estimates Statistics
Covariance matrix of estimates Statistics
Covariance ratio Plots
Cubic model Main
Influence plots Plots
Leverage Plots
Normal probability-probability plot Plots
Normal quantile-quantile plot Plots
Power analysis Tests
Predicted values Predictions
Prediction limits Plots
Quadratic model Main
R-square statistic default
Residual plots Plots
Residual values Predictions
Residuals, ordinary Plots
Residuals, standardized Plots
Residuals, studentized Plots
Scatter plots Plots
Standardized regression coefficients Statistics
Table A.32: Capabilities in the Regression: Linear Task
Capability Dialog
Adjusted R-square model selection Model
Adjusted R-square statistic default
Akaike's information criterion Model
Amemiya's prediction criterion Model
Asymptotic covariance matrix Statistics
Backward elimination model selection Model
Bayesian information criterion Model
Coefficient of variation default
Collinearity analysis Statistics
Confidence limits for estimates Statistics
Correlation matrix of estimates Statistics
Covariance matrix of estimates Statistics
Covariance ratio Plots
Durbin-Watson statistic Statistics
Forward model selection Model
Heteroscedasticity test Statistics
Influence plots Plots
Intercept Model
Leverage Plots
Mallows' Cp model selection Model
Mallows' Cp statistic Model
Maximum R-square improvement model selection Model
Minimum R-square improvement model selection Model
Multivariate statistics Statistics
Normal probability-probability plot Plots
Normal quantile-quantile plot Plots
Partial correlations Statistics
Power analysis Tests
Predicted values Predictions
Prediction limits Plots
R-square model selection Model
R-square statistic default
Residual plots Plots
Residual values Predictions
Residuals, ordinary Plots
Residuals, standardized Plots
Residuals, studentized Plots
Scatter plots Plots
Schwarz's bayesian criterion Model
Semi-partial correlations Statistics
Standardized regression coefficients Statistics
Stepwise model selection Model
Stepwise regression Model
Tolerance values for estimates Statistics
Type 1 sum of squares Statistics
Type 2 sum of squares Statistics
Variance inflation factors Statistics
Weighted least squares Tests
Table A.33: Capabilities in the Regression: Logistic Task
Capability Dialog
Association of predicted probabilities        and observed responses default
Backward elimination model selection Model
Best subset model selection Model
CI displacement Plots
Classification effects Main
Classification table Statistics
Conditional odds ratios Statistics
Confidence limits Statistics
Correlation matrix of estimates Statistics
Covariance matrix of estimates Statistics
Crossed effects Model
Deviance residuals Plots
DFBetas Plots
Difference in chi-square residuals Plots
Difference in deviance residuals Plots
Dispersion parameter Statistics
Factorial models Model
Fit statistics default
Forward model selection Model
Goodness-of-fit statistics Statistics
Influence plots Plots
Interaction effects Model
Leverage Plots
Likelihood ratio default
Odds ratio estimates default
Pearson residuals Plots
Polynomial effects Model
Predicted values Predictions
Prior probabilities Statistics
Probability cutpoints Statistics
Profile likelihood limits Statistics
Residual plots Plots
Residual values Predictions
Response profile default
ROC curve Plots
Standardized estimates default
Stepwise model selection Model
Wald limits Statistics
Table A.34: Capabilities in the Multivariate: Principal Components Task
Capability Dialog
Analysis of correlation matrix Statistics
Analysis of covariance matrix Statistics
Analysis of uncorrected matrices Statistics
Principal component scores Save Data
Principal components plot Plots
Scree plot Plots
Table A.35: Capabilities in the Multivariate: Canonical Correlation Task
Capability Dialog
Canonical redundancy statistics Statistics
Canonical variable plot Plots
Canonical variable scores Save Data
Correlations of regression coefficients Statistics
Number of canonical variables Statistics
Partial correlations Statistics
Partial variables Variables
Regression analysis Statistics
Semi-partial correlations Statistics
Squared multiple correlation Statistics
Standard error of coefficients Statistics
Standardized regression coefficients Statistics
t statistic and probability Statistics
Table A.36: Capabilities in the Survival: Life Tables Task
Capability Dialog
Censoring values Main
Confidence intervals Methods
Hazard function plots Plots
Life table method Methods
Probability density function plots Plots
Product-limit estimation method Methods
Strata endpoints Plots
Survival estimates default
Survival function plots Plots
Table A.37: Capabilities in the Survival: Proportional Hazards Task
Capability Dialog
Backward elimination model selection Model
Best subset model selection Model
Censoring values Main
Confidence limits of hazard ratio Methods
Correlations of parameter estimates Methods
Covariances of parameter estimates Methods
Failure time ties, Breslow approximate likelihood method Methods
Failure time ties, discrete logistic model method Methods
Failure time ties, Efron approximate likelihood method Methods
Failure time ties, exact conditional probability method Methods
Forward model selection Model
Global hypothesis test default
Stepwise model selection Model
Survival function plots Plots

The Sample Size tasks provide sample size and power calculations for several types of analyses and study designs. Power curves are available with each task. The types of sample size analyses available in the Analyst Application are as follows:

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