Apply a Style to the Summary Statistics Results

To apply a style to the results from the Summary Statistics Wizard:
  1. Select the summary statistics results in the worksheet, and on the SAS tab, click Properties. The Summary Statistics Wizard Properties dialog box appears.
  2. Click the Appearance tab, and select the Always apply the SAS style to the results check box. By default, the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office uses the AMODefault style for any results. In this example, Seaside is selected from the list.
    Applying a style in the Summary Statistics Wizard Properties dialog box
  3. Select the Refresh check box to refresh the results after you close the Summary Statistics Wizard Properties dialog box. Click OK.
    Refresh option in the Summary Statistics Wizard Properties dialog box
    The SAS add-in refreshes the results and applies the newly selected style.
    Results from the Summary Statistics task using the Seaside style