Apply a Style to the Results

By default, any generated results use the AMODefault style. However, you can change the style of the results by using a style that ships with the SAS add-in or by creating your own style. For this example, you want to apply a custom style to the results.
To create a custom style:
  1. In the document, select the results from the List Data task, and on the SAS tab, click Properties. The List Data Properties dialog box appears.
  2. In the List Data Properties dialog box, click the Appearance tab.
  3. On the Appearance tab, select the Always apply the SAS style to the results check box.
    The contents of the Appearance tab in the List Data Properties dialog box
    Click Manage Styles. The Style Manager appears.
  4. In the Style Manager, click Add. The Add New Style dialog box appears.
  5. To create a new style based on an existing style:
    1. Select Add new based on existing style.
    2. Enter SoccerClub as the name of the new style.
    3. From the Based on drop-down list, select AMODefault.
    4. Click OK.
    Creating the new SoccerClub style in the Add New Style dialog box
    The new SoccerClub style is now available from the Style Manager.
    New SoccerClub style in the Style Manager
    Currently, the SoccerClub style is identical to the AMODefault style. To customize the new SoccerClub style, you must edit it.
  6. In the Style Manager, select the SoccerClub style and click Edit. The Style Editor appears.
  7. To customize the text in the body of your results:
    1. From the Selected element drop-down list, select Body.
    2. Click the Text tab and change the following options:
      • Select Arial as the font.
      • Set the text size to 8 point font.
      • Change the background color to a shade of light blue.
    Text Options for the Body Element
  8. To apply these text attributes to the column headings, click Apply to Other Elements. The Apply To Other Elements dialog box appears. From the list of style elements, select the check box for Header and click OK to return to the Style Editor.
  9. To specify the attributes for the borders in the Style Editor, click the Borders tab, and specify the following options:
    • From the Line Style drop-down list, select Solid.
    • From the Line Width drop-down list, select Thin.
    Click OK in the Style Editor and in the Style Manager to return to the List Data Properties dialog box.
  10. In the List Data Properties dialog box, verify that SoccerClub is the selected style. Select the Refresh check box and click OK.
    Select the SoccerClub style in the List Data Properties dialog box
Because you selected the Refresh check box, the content is immediately refreshed and the style is applied to the results.
The Results with the SoccerClub style applied