Syntax and Description
%MDUCHGLB(CHANGE=libref, TEMP=libref,
<FAILEDOBJS=table_name>, <EXTIDTAG=context_value>, <BLKSIZE=#_of_records>);
Generates XML for loading identity updates.
Product: SAS Intelligence Platform
Document: SAS Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide
%MDUCHGV (TARGET=libref, CHANGE=libref,
<TEMP=libref>, ERRORSDS=name);
Checks the change tables against the target tables to ensure that
the updates do not introduce any integrity problems.
Product: SAS Intelligence Platform
Document: SAS Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide
%MDUCMP(MASTER=libref, TARGET=libref,
CHANGE=libref, EXCEPTIONS=<libref.>dataset , <EXTERNONLY=0|1>, <AUTHDOMCOMPARE=name|keyid>);
Generates data sets that contain the changes that must be made
to the metadata.
Product: SAS Intelligence Platform
Document: SAS Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide
Extracts identity information from the metadata.
Product: SAS Intelligence Platform
Document: SAS Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide
%MDUIMPC(<LIBREF=libref>, <MAKETABLE=0|1|2>,
<INFILEREF=fileref>, <FILEHEADER=1|other_value>);
Defines a set of macro variables that create canonical tables
and, optionally, creates empty tables for views for CSV files.
Product: SAS Intelligence Platform
Document: SAS Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide
%MDUIMPLB(<LIBREF=libref>, <TEMP=libref>, <FAILEDOBJS=table_name>, <EXTIDTAG=context_value>, <BLKSIZE=#_of_records>);
Generates and submits blocks of XML to load identity information.
Product: SAS Intelligence Platform
Document: SAS Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide