CALL Routines Syntax by Product

Base SAS

Syntax and Description
CALL ALLCOMB(count, k, variable-1, …, variable-n);
Generates all combinations of the values of n variables taken k at a time in a minimal change order.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL ALLCOMBI(N, K, index-1, …, index-K, <, index-added, index-removed > );
Generates all combinations of the indices of n objects taken k at a time in a minimal change order.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL ALLPERM(count, variable–1 <, variable–2 ... > );
Generates all permutations of the values of several variables in a minimal change order.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL CATS(result <, item-1, …, item-n > );
Removes leading and trailing blanks, and returns a concatenated character string.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL CATT(result <, item-1, … item-n > );
Removes trailing blanks, and returns a concatenated character string.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL CATX(delimiter, result <, item-1 , … item-n > );
Removes leading and trailing blanks, inserts delimiters, and returns a concatenated character string.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL COMPCOST(operation-1, value-1 <,operation-2, value-2 …> );
Sets the costs of operations for later use by the COMPGED function
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL EXECUTE(argument);
Resolves the argument, and issues the resolved value for execution at the next step boundary.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL EXECUTE (argument);
Resolves the argument, and issues the resolved value for execution at the next step boundary.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Macro Language: Reference
CALL FINDEND(context);
Releases resources that are associated with a directory search.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Companion for OpenVMS on HP Integrity Servers
CALL GRAYCODE(k, numeric-variable-1, ..., numeric-variable-n); CALL GRAYCODE(k, character-variable <, n <, in-out > > );
Generates all subsets of n items in a minimal change order.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL IS8601_CONVERT( convert-from, convert-to, < from-variables > , < to-variables > , < date_time_replacements >
Converts an ISO 8601 interval to datetime and duration values, or converts datetime and duration values to an ISO 8601 interval.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL LABEL(variable-1,variable-2);
Assigns a variable label to a specified character variable.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL LEXCOMB(count, k, variable-1, …, variable-n);
Generates all distinct combinations of the non-missing values of n variables taken k at a time in lexicographic order.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL LEXCOMBI(n, k, index-1, …, index-k);
Generates all combinations of the indices of n objects taken k at a time in lexicographic order.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL LEXPERK(count, k, variable-1, …, variable-n);
Generates all distinct permutations of the non-missing values of n variables taken k at a time in lexicographic order.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL LEXPERM(count, variable-1 <, …, variable-N > );
Generates all distinct permutations of the non-missing values of several variables in lexicographic order.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL LOGISTIC(argument <, argument, ... > )
Applies the logistic function to each argument.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL MISSING(varname1 <, varname2, ...> );
Assigns missing values to the specified character or numeric variables.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL MODULE(< cntl > ,module,arg-1, arg-2...,arg-n); num=MODULEN(< cntl > ,module,arg-1,arg-2…,arg-n); char=MODULEC(< cntl > ,module,arg-1…,arg-2,arg-n); CALL MODULEI (< cntl > ,module arg-1,arg-2...,arg-n); num=MODULEIN(< cntl > ,module,arg-1,arg-2...,arg-n) char=MODULEIC(< cntl > ,module,arg-1,arg-2...,arg-n);
Calls a specific routine or module that resides in a shared executable library.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Companion for the UNIX Environments
CALL MODULE(< cntl-string,> module-name <,argument-1, ..., argument-n > );
Calls an external routine without any return code.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL POKE(source,pointer,< length > ,< floating-point > );
Writes a value directly into memory on a 32-bit platform.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL POKELONG(source,pointer <,length > ,< floating-point > )
Writes a value directly into memory on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL PRXCHANGE (regular-expression-id, times, old-string <, new-string <, result-length <, truncation-value <, number-of-changes > > > > );
Performs a pattern-matching replacement.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
Enables Perl regular expressions in a DATA step to send debugging output to the SAS log.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL PRXFREE (regular-expression-id);
Frees memory that was allocated for a Perl regular expression.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL PRXNEXT (regular-expression-id, start, stop, source, position, length);
Returns the position and length of a substring that matches a pattern, and iterates over multiple matches within one string.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL PRXPOSN (regular-expression-id, capture-buffer, start <, length > );
Returns the start position and length for a capture buffer.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL PRXSUBSTR (regular-expression-id, source, position <, length > );
Returns the position and length of a substring that matches a pattern.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL RANBIN(seed,n,p,x);
Returns a random variate from a binomial distribution.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL RANCAU(seed,x);
Returns a random variate from a Cauchy distribution.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL RANEXP(seed,x);
Returns a random variate from an exponential distribution.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL RANGAM(seed,a,x);
Returns a random variate from a gamma distribution.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL RANNOR(seed,x);
Returns a random variate from a normal distribution.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL RANPERK(seed, k, variable-1 <, variable–2, ... > );
Randomly permutes the values of the arguments, and returns a permutation of k out of n values.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL RANPERM(seed, variable-1 <, variable–2, ... > );
Randomly permutes the values of the arguments.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL RANPOI(seed,m,x);
Returns a random variate from a Poisson distribution.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL RANTBL(seed,p,...p,...p,x);
Returns a random variate from a tabled probability distribution.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL RANTRI(seed,h,x);
Returns a random variate from a triangular distribution.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL RANUNI(seed,x);
Returns a random variate from a uniform distribution.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL SCAN(< string > , count, position, length <, < charlist > <, < modifier(s) > > > );
Returns the position and length of the nth word from a character string.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL SET(data-set-id);
Links SAS data set variables to DATA step or macro variables that have the same name and data type.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
Suspends the execution of a program that invokes this call routine for a specified period of time.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Companion for z/OS
CALL SLEEP(n <,unit > );
For a specified period of time, suspends the execution of a program that invokes this CALL routine.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Companion for the UNIX Environments
CALL SLEEP(n <, unit > )
For a specified period of time, suspends the execution of a program that invokes this CALL routine.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL SOFTMAX(argument <,argument,…> );
Returns the softmax value.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL SORTC(variable-1 <, …, variable-n > )
Sorts the values of character arguments.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL SORTN(variable-1 <, …, variable-n > )
Sorts the values of numeric arguments.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL SOUND(frequency,duration);
Generates a sound with a specific frequency and duration.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Companion for Windows
CALL STDIZE(< option-1, option-2, …,> variable-1 <, variable-2, …> );
Standardizes the values of one or more variables.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
Specifies a seed value to use for subsequent random number generation by the RAND function.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL SYMDEL(< macro-variable > (< macro-variable > <, option > ));
Deletes the specified variable from the macro global symbol table.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Macro Language: Reference
CALL SYMPUT(argument-1,argument-2);
Assigns DATA step information to a macro variable.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL SYMPUT(macro-variable, value);
Assigns a value produced in a DATA step to a macro variable.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Macro Language: Reference
CALL SYMPUTN('macro-variable', value);
In SCL programs, assigns a numeric value to a global macro variable.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Macro Language: Reference
CALL SYMPUTX(macro-variable, value <,symbol-table > );
Assigns a value to a macro variable, and removes both leading and trailing blanks.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL SYMPUTX(macro-variable, value <,symbol-table > );
Assigns a value to a macro variable, and removes both leading and trailing blanks.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Macro Language: Reference
CALL SYSTEM(command);
Submits an operating system command for execution.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Companion for z/OS
CALL SYSTEM(command);
Submits an operating environment command for execution.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Companion for the UNIX Environments
Submits an operating system command for execution.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Companion for OpenVMS on HP Integrity Servers
CALL SYSTEM(command);
Submits an operating system command or a Windows application for execution.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Companion for Windows
CALL SYSTEM(command);
Submits an operating environment command for execution.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL TANH(argument <, argument,... > );
Returns the hyperbolic tangent.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL TSO(command);
Issues a TSO command or invokes a CLIST or a REXX exec during a SAS session.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Companion for z/OS
CALL VNAME(variable-1,variable-2);
Assigns a variable name as the value of a specified variable.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL VNEXT(varname <,vartype <, varlength > > );
Returns the name, type, and length of a variable that is used in a DATA step.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
CALL WTO (“text-string”);
Sends a message to the system console.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Companion for z/OS

SAS Data Quality Server

Syntax and Description
CALL DQPARSE(parse-string, `parse-definition', `parse-result' , `parse-return-code' ,<, ` locale'> )
Returns a parsed character value and a status flag.
Product: SAS Data Quality Server
Document: SAS Data Quality Server: Reference
CALL DQSCHEMEAPPLY(char, output-variable, `scheme', `scheme-format'<, `mode', transform-count-variable, `scheme-lookup-method', `match-definition', sensitivity, `locale'> )
Applies a scheme and returns a transformed value and a transformation flag.
Product: SAS Data Quality Server
Document: SAS Data Quality Server: Reference