Share Macros Syntax by Category


Syntax and Description
%SERVINFO(two-level-server-name,<RMTVIEW=REMOTE-engine-RMTVIEW=-option > ,<NETNODE=network-node-name)> ;
Adds server attributes to the server information table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE User's Guide
%SERVLIB(SAS-library-name, server-name <RMTVIEW=REMOTE-engine-RMTVIEW=-option > , <PHYSNAME=physical-name-of-library > ,<SLIBREF=server-libref > , <ENGINE=engine-in-user-session > , <RENGINE=engine-in-server-session > );
Adds server-library pairs to the library table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE User's Guide
%SHRMACS (category,< log-info > ,<APPLSYS=app-sys-lib-tab...> ,<SASSAML=app-sys-lib-tab...> );
Compiles other SAS/SHARE macros.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE User's Guide


Syntax and Description
%OPERATE(server-name,< oapw > );
Generates a PROC OPERATE statement.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE User's Guide
%SETSRV (server-name, < oapw > );
Generates a SET SERVER statement.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE User's Guide
%SHUTSRV(server-name, < oapw > );
Stops a server.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE User's Guide

Operator, Server, User

Syntax and Description
Lists the current library-alias table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE User's Guide
Lists the server-alias table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE User's Guide
Lists the server information table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE User's Guide
%SERVERID(server-alias, <NEQ> );
Converts a server alias to a server ID.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE User's Guide
Returns the index of the entry for the specified server in the server identification table.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE User's Guide


Syntax and Description
%STRTSRV(server-name, < options > , < uapw > , < oapw > );
Starts a server.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE User's Guide


Syntax and Description
%LIBDEF (libref,< SAS-library > ,<READONLY> ,<RETRY> ,<ENGINE=local-engine > ,<RENGINE=remote-engine > ,<RMTVIEW=remote-engine-RMTVIEW=-option>> ,<SLIBREF=server-library > , < uapw > , <APPLSYS=appl-sys-lib-table > );
Generates a LIBNAME statement.
Product: SAS/SHARE
Document: SAS/SHARE User's Guide