ARM Macros Syntax by Category

ARM Macro

Syntax and Description
%ARMEND< (option-1 <, ...option-n>)>;
Indicates the termination of an application.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Interface to Application Response Measurement (ARM): Reference
%ARMGTID (TXNNAME='transaction-name' < option-1 <, ...option-n> > );
Assigns a unique identifier to a transaction class.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Interface to Application Response Measurement (ARM): Reference
%ARMINIT (APPNAME='application-name' <, option-1 <, ...option-n> > );
Initializes an application.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Interface to Application Response Measurement (ARM): Reference
%ARMSTOP (<option1 <, ...option-n>>);
Specifies the end of a transaction instance.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Interface to Application Response Measurement (ARM): Reference
%ARMSTRT (option-1 <, ...option-n>);
Specifies the start of a unique transaction, and returns a handle that is passed to the %ARMUPDT and %ARMSTOP macros.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Interface to Application Response Measurement (ARM): Reference
%ARMUPDT (DATA= < option > , < option-1 <, ...option-n> > );
Updates a transaction instance that was previously started.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Interface to Application Response Measurement (ARM): Reference

ARM Postprocessing Macro

Syntax and Description
%ARMJOIN (< option-1 <, ...option-n> > );
Reads the six SAS data sets that are created by the %ARMPROC macro, and creates SAS data sets and SQL views that contain common information about applications and transactions.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Interface to Application Response Measurement (ARM): Reference
%ARMPROC (< option-1 <, ...option-n> > );
Processes the ARM log, and creates six SAS data sets that contain the information from the log.
Product: Base SAS
Document: SAS Interface to Application Response Measurement (ARM): Reference