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SAS/AF Catalog Entry Types

FRAME Entries

FRAME entries store Frame objects plus all the visual objects (or controls) and nonvisual objects (or models) that comprise a FRAME application. You use the BUILD procedure's DISPLAY window to create and edit FRAME entries.

Frame objects are instances of the Frame class. The Frame class is the foundation of SAS/AF applications that have graphical user interfaces. The Frame class provides windowing capabilities and serves as a container to which you add visual controls and nonvisual components to create a user interface.

The Frame class (and any subclass of it that you create) provides the properties of the window in which your applications run. You specify the frame properties in the Properties window for the FRAME entry. Use the PW command in the DISPLAY window to open the Properties window. For more information about the properties of the Frame class, refer to the online Help for SAS/AF software.

You use the associated Components window to select objects to place in the frame. The FRAME entry can include multiple instances of the same class, and each instance has its own properties. You use the Properties window to edit the properties of the objects that you add to the frame. For more information about the properties of the classes of objects that you can add to FRAME entries, refer to the online Help for SAS/AF software.

Note the distinction between editing the properties of a class in the Class Editor window and editing the properties of an object in the Properties window for a FRAME entry: Editing the properties of a class changes all instances of the class, whereas editing the properties of an object in the FRAME entry changes only the particular instance of the object.

Whenever you create a new FRAME entry, a RESOURCE entry is associated with the FRAME entry. By default, the standard RESOURCE entry that is provided with SAS/AF software (SASHELP.FSP.AFCOMPONENTS.RESOURCE) is used. You can use the RESOURCE= option with the PROC BUILD statement or BUILD command to specify a different initial resource. Once the FRAME entry is created, the associated resource cannot be changed. The specified RESOURCE entry must be available any time you open the FRAME entry in the BUILD environment or execute the entry in the application window.

If the associated resource has an active Frame class, then the new Frame object in the FRAME entry is an instance of that class. If the associated resource has no active Frame class, the default Frame class (SASHELP.FSP.FRAME.CLASS) is used.

For an introduction to building applications with FRAME entries, refer to SAS Guide to Applications Development.

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