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AF Window Commands |
executes the entry called by the specified options for the first MENU entry in the current execution stack. To specify submenu options in the menu-options value, separate the options with periods.
For example, if the application window currently displays a PROGRAM entry that was opened from a MENU entry, the following command attempts to open the entry that is selected by the option value 5 in the original MENU entry:
enables you to review and manage resident entries and to control the automatic termination of FRAME objects that still exist when a FRAME entry ends. This command is useful for testing applications.
The AFSYS command uses the following action arguments:
controls whether the _term method of a FRAME entry object is automatically executed if the object still exists when a FRAME entry ends. By default, any open objects are automatically terminated (AUTOTERM ON). Use AUTOTERM OFF if you want to prevent the _term method of open FRAME objects from being executed when the FRAME entry ends.
controls whether a list of open objects is sent to the Log window. By default, no list is generated (AUTOTERM NOVERBOSE). Use AUTOTERM VERBOSE to send the object list for each object that still exists when the FRAME entry ends.
sends a list of all entries that are active for the current application to the Log window.
sends a list of all entries that are resident but inactive for the current application to the Log window.
controls whether entries that have the RESIDENT attribute are retained in memory when they are inactive. The default is to retain entries (RESIDENT ON). Specify OFF to prevent inactive entries from being retained in memory even if they have the RESIDENT attribute.
removes inactive entries from memory. Specify ALL to remove all inactive entries. Specify an entry number to remove a particular inactive entry. Use the AFSYS SHOW INACTIVE command to view the entry numbers for inactive entries.
afsys autoterm verbose; afsys autoterm on
closes the current entry and returns control to the calling entry, or to the parent entry if one was specified in the current entry's general attributes.
For FRAME and PROGRAM entries, the CANCEL command performs the following tasks before closing the entry:
sets the SCL _STATUS_ variable to C
runs the TERM section of the entry's SCL program (and, for FRAME entries, the _term method for the frame and all components).
defines a catalog reference (catref) that provides a logical combination of the specified catalogs. You can use any valid SAS name for catalog-reference, but if you use the name of an existing catalog you will not be able to access the contents of that catalog until the catref is cleared. The libref that you specify with the catref must already exist. Enclose the list of catalogs in parentheses, and use blanks to separate the catalog names in the list.
When a program in the SAS/AF application contains a reference to an entry in the catref catalog, the AF task searches for the entry in the specified list of catalogs, starting with catalog-1 and ending with catalog-n.
For example, suppose that you issue the following command:
catname mylib.all (mylib.apps1 mylib.apps2 master.apps)A reference in a program to MYLIB.ALL.TEST.SCL causes the AF task to search for MYLIB.APPS1.TEST.SCL, then for MYLIB.APPS2.TEST.SCL, and finally for MASTER.APPS.TEST.SCL.
Catref assignments remain in effect until they are cleared. Use the CLEAR option with the CATNAME command to clear a specified catref. Use the LIST option with the CATNAME command to list the catalogs in the catref.
clears values from all unprotected data entry areas of the application window.
Note: The CLEAR command is only supported for PROGRAM entries.
turns the SAS Component Language source-level debugger on or off. If you use the DEBUG command without an argument, the debugger is turned on. You cannot turn the debugger off while a debugger command is active.
Note: In order to use the debugger, the SCL code in the entry must have been
compiled with the DEBUG compile option turned on.
The SCL debugger is a tool for identifying and correcting problems in SAS Component Language programs. Refer to SAS Component Language: Reference for information on using the SCL debugger.
copies the value stored by the SELECT command to the current field. The cursor must be positioned on the desired field when you issue the command, so the DUP command is easier to use if you assign it to a function key.
Note: The DUP command is only supported for PROGRAM entries.
closes the current entry and returns control to the calling entry, or to the parent entry if one was specified in the current entry's general attributes.
For FRAME and PROGRAM entries, the END command performs the following actions before closing the entry:
sets the SCL _STATUS_ variable to E
verifies that modified fields contain valid values
executes the MAIN section of the SCL program if any fields have been modified and contain valid values
verifies that all required fields contain values
executes the TERM section of the SCL program (and, for FRAME entries, the _term method for the frame and all components)
submits the contents of the PREVIEW buffer, including any submit blocks in the TERM section.
scrolls the line that contains the specified value to the top of the window for MENU and HELP entries.
For PROGRAM entries that contain extended tables, the FIND command finds an occurrence of the specified value in the field that is identified with the KEYFIELD command. If the string contains embedded blanks, it must be enclosed in quotes.
You can modify the behavior of the FIND command by adding any one of the following options:
reports the total number of occurrences of the string in the extended table on the window's message line and moves the cursor to the first occurrence. |
moves the cursor to the first occurrence of the string in the extended table . |
moves the cursor to the last occurrence of the string in the extended table. |
moves the cursor to the next occurrence of the string in the extended table. |
moves the cursor to the previous occurrence of the string in the extended table. |
By default, the FIND command locates any occurrence of the specified string, even where the string is embedded in other strings. You can use any one of the following options to change the command's behavior:
causes the search string to match the text string only when the text string occurs at the beginning of a word. |
causes the search string to match the text string only when the text string occurs at the end of a word. |
causes the search string to match the text string only when the text string is a distinct word. |
By default, the FIND command is case-sensitive. You can use the following options to change the command's behavior:
causes the search string to match the text string only if the case is the same. |
causes the search string to match the text string regardless of case. |
After you issue a FIND command, you can use the RFIND command to repeat the search for the next occurrence of the string, or use the BFIND command to repeat the search for the previous occurrence.
Note: The FIND command is only supported for HELP, MENU, and PROGRAM
opens the entry specified in the current entry's Help attribute.
displays the four-level name of the current entry on the window's message line for FRAME, HELP, MENU, or PROGRAM entries. For FRAME entries, the four-level name of the associated SCL entry is also displayed.
For CBT entries, the ID command shows the current frame number and frame name in the window title. Once turned on, the ID information is displayed until you turn it off. If you use the ID command without the ON or OFF option, it acts as a toggle.
Note: The ON and OFF options are only supported
for CBT entries.
identifies the field that is searched by subsequent FIND and LOCATE commands. The cursor must be positioned on the desired field when you issue the command, so the KEYFIELD command is easier to use if you assign it to a function key.
Note: The KEYFIELD command is only supported for PROGRAM
finds an occurrence of the specified value in the extended table field that is identified with the KEYFIELD command. If the string contains embedded blanks, special characters, or lowercase letters, then it must be enclosed in quotes.
The LOCATE command always begins matching from the first character of the field value. By default, it searches only for an exact match of the entire field value. To match only the first part of a field value, add a colon (:) before the search string.
After you issue a LOCATE command, you can use the RLOCATE command to repeat the search for the next occurrence of the string, or use the BLOCATE command to repeat the search for the previous occurrence.
Note: The LOCATE command is only supported for PROGRAM entries that
display extended tables.
See the SOUND command.
opens the PREVIEW window, in which you can view and edit any SAS statements that are waiting to be submitted for processing when the application ends. The SAS statements are generated by SUBMIT blocks in SAS Component Language programs. Refer to SAS Component Language: Reference for more information on SUBMIT blocks.
closes all open entries for the current application and returns control to the SAS session.
For FRAME and PROGRAM entries, the QCAN command performs the following steps before closing the entry:
sets the SCL _STATUS_ variable to C
runs the TERM section of the entry's SCL program (and, for FRAME entries, the _term method for the frame and all components).
Note: The difference between the QCAN command and the CANCEL command
is that the QCAN command always returns control to the SAS session, not to
the calling entry or the parent entry.
closes all open entries for the current application and returns control to the SAS session.
For FRAME and PROGRAM entries, the QEND command performs the following actions before returning control to the SAS session:
sets the SCL _STATUS_ variable to E
executes the MAIN section of the SCL program if a field has been modified
executes the TERM section of the SCL program (and, for FRAME entries, the _term method for the frame and all components)
submits the contents of the PREVIEW buffer, including any submit blocks in the TERM section
Note: The difference between the QEND command and the END command is
that the QEND command always returns control to the SAS session, not to the
calling entry or the parent entry.
prints a report of the application's execution stack in the Log window. The stack contains the active entry that is currently running and all the inactive entries that have been opened since you started executing the application. The listing shows two parts of the execution stack:
N-Stack |
lists entries that can be viewed with the NEXT command. |
S-Stack |
lists all the entries in the execution stack. This stack lists interim MENU entries that have been called but are inactive and cannot be displayed with the NEXT command. |
recalls any field values that have been saved with the SAVE command (or with the SAVESCREEN function in an SCL program or with the AUTOSAVE=YES option in the AF command).
Note: The RECALL command is only supported for PROGRAM
opens the entry at which the application started executing.
Note: When the RETURN command is issued in a window that was opened by a
CALL GOTO routine in SCL, the result depends on the action option specified
in the
saves the current values of a PROGRAM entry's fields. You can recall the saved values later by using the RECALL command. The values are stored in an entry named program-name.AFPGM in your SASUSER.PROFILE catalog, where program-name is the name of the PROGRAM entry.
For CBT entries, the SAVE command records the current entry name and frame number, then ends the application and the SAS session. You can issue the AF command in a later SAS session to resume the CBT entry at the frame from which you issued the SAVE command.
Note: The SAVE command is only supported for CBT and PROGRAM
controls whether sounds are produced for SOUND= or MUSIC= options in frames of CBT entries (provided your display device is capable of producing sounds). Use SOUND OFF if you do not want the hear the sounds that are specified in the CBT frame. If you issue a SOUND command without an ON or OFF option, it acts as a toggle, turning sound off if it was on or on if it was off.
Note: The SOUND command is only supported for CBT entries.
specifies the entry type that is assumed when the type is not explicitly specified in a command that must ordinarily be followed by an entry name in the form entry-name.entry-type. Use the TYPE command without arguments to display the current default type on the window's message line.
specifies the position and size of the next window of a multi-window session.
The start-row and start-column values specify the position of the upper left corner of the window, and the rows and columns values specify the window size.
Note: You can use the
WSIZE command to determine the current window specifications before you issue
a WREGION command.
Alternatively, you can specify TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, or RIGHT to cause the next window to occupy the corresponding half of the current window. For example, WREGION TOP specifies that the next window occupies the top half of the current window. Add the DEVICE option to indicate that the specification is relative to the device display rather than to the current window. For example, WREGION TOP DEVICE specifies that the next window occupies the top half of the device's display. This option is not supported in some display environments.
The CLEAR option clears any previous WREGION setting and returns the window to the size specified in the entry's general attributes. If the size is not specified in the general attributes, the window size returns to the default size.
displays the size and position specifications of the current window on the window's message line.
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