SAS/AF Catalog Entry Types |
You can
the BUILD procedure in SAS/AF software
to create and edit the following types of catalog entries. Other types of
entries (for example, SLIST entries containing SCL lists or PMENU entries
containing menu definitions) can appear in the catalog along with these entry
types, but you cannot edit other types with the BUILD procedure.
SAS/AF Catalog Entry Types
Entry Type |
Purpose |
Provides sequences of text and responses to user input for tutorials
or computer-based training courses. You can also build Help facilities with
CBT entries. |
Stores class definitions for FRAME objects, including the attributes,
methods, events, event handlers, and interfaces that are used within a class.
See also the RESOURCE entry type. |
Stores default colors, highlighting attributes, and general editing
specifications for the SAS text editor that is used to build the displays
for CBT, HELP, MENU, and PROGRAM entries. |
Stores printing device, paper, destination, and special print control
information. The form information is used when output is routed to a printer. |
Stores graphical user interfaces for object-oriented applications. |
Provides assistance and instructions for users. |
Stores method definitions that determine whether and how model/view
FRAME components can communicate. |
Associates commands with function keys. |
Stores lists of values that are used to validate user input to fields
in PROGRAM entries. |
Provides menus of options that users can select to run other entries. |
Stores the display, field attributes, and the SAS Component Language
program code for character-based applications. |
Stores range definitions that control traffic lighting in FRAME entry
objects. |
Stores a collection of classes for FRAME applications. |
Stores a SAS Component Language (SCL) program and its compiled code,
but does not include a DISPLAY window. |
The EDPARMS, FORM, and KEYS entries are catalog entry types that the
BUILD procedure opens as a convenience for application developers. Refer to
the SAS Help System for information about the EDPARMS, FORM, and KEYS entries.
The remaining SAS/AF entry types are
discussed in the following sections.
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