Fractional Factorial Designs with Blocks and Center Points

Defining Factor, Response, and Block Variables

To build the design, return to the ADX desktop and follow these steps:

  1. Select File arrow Create New Design arrow Two-level from the ADX desktop.
  2. Click Define Variables.

Normally, you would type in the factor names, high and low values, and descriptions. However, you can use the factor library as a shortcut. The factor library stores the names, levels, and descriptions of all previously used factors. Follow these steps:

  1. Click Library.
  2. Hold down the CTRL key and click to select the factors ACID, ETCH, FLOW, TEMP, and TIME. Factors in the library are organized alphabetically.


  3. Close the Factor Used in Previous Experiments window.

Follow the same steps to define the response:

  1. Click the Response tab.
  2. Click Library.
  3. Select THCKNESS and RESTIVTY from the Responses Used in Previous Experiments window .
  4. Close the Responses Used in Previous Experiments window.
  5. Delete the Y1 response.

Because the experiment takes two days to run, define the two blocks. Follow these steps:

  1. Click the Block tab.
  2. Click Add and select 1 to add another row to the block levels.

Click OK to return to the main design window.

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