You can control which JAR files get
used with varying degrees of specificity. Eclipse JAR file versions
follow the pattern
represents characters used
to differentiate versions. If more than one version of a JAR file
that matches your specifications is found in the repository, the latest
version is used. You can have only one version of a JAR file in your
To specify a version
of a JAR file that is not the latest version, follow these steps:
Expand the project in
the Package Explorer.
Repository and select
for SAS Repository dialog box appears.
Select the JAR file
or files to which you want to apply a versioning rule.
Select a
Rule, as follows:
Latest -
The highest version of the JAR file.
At Least -
The highest version of the JAR file that is at least the version selected
in the Version list.
Exact -
The JAR file specified in the Version list. No higher or lower version
can be substituted. Only for an Exact match is the tag of the version
Up To -
The highest version of the JAR file up to and including the version
in the Version list.
Latest Within Major
Version - The JAR file with the highest version but with
the same major version specified in the Version list.
Latest Within Minor
Version - The JAR file with the highest version but with
the same major and minor versions specified in the Version list.
Latest Within Micro
Version - The JAR file with the highest version but with
the same major and minor and micro versions specified in the Version
If the currently selected
Rule requires version information, select or enter the
version number in the
Version combo box,
which is populated with all of the version numbers that are currently
available in the SAS Versioned Jar Repository. Note that the JAR files
themselves might have their own version requirements for dependent
JAR files.