Installation Prerequisites

Supported Versions of SAS Software

To work correctly, a SAS AppDev Studio 4.4 project must match the maintenance level of the SAS 9.4 installation on which it is run. You need to apply a maintenance update to SAS AppDev Studio only if you are developing SAS projects for SAS 9.4 installations that have also had maintenance applied. The first maintenance release for SAS AppDev Studio 4.4 requires the first maintenance release for SAS 9.4.

Install Eclipse 4.2.2

You must have Eclipse 4.2.2 installed before installing AppDev Studio 4.4. The AppDev Studio installation updates the Eclipse environment, and without a compatible version of Eclipse installed, you cannot install AppDev Studio.
Install Eclipse by following these steps:
  1. Create a working directory for Eclipse 4.2.2 (for example, C:\Eclipse422).
  2. Download Eclipse 4.2.2. The supported release of Eclipse can be found on the SAS Third-party Downloads page located at
  3. Extract the Eclipse archive to C:\Eclipse422. You should now have an eclipse directory inside your working directory (for example, C:\Eclipse422\eclipse).

Java Platform Requirements

The SAS AppDev Studio 4.4 development bundle requires Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) 1.7.0_15 or higher for application and web application development, and execution of applications at run time. Note that AppDev Studio 4.4 has only been tested with the Oracle JRE.
For supported web browsers and application servers, see the Third-Party Software for SAS 9.4 information at
Although the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers version 4.2.2 requires Java 6 at a minimum, SAS AppDev Studio 4.4 was tested with Java 7, and that version is recommended. See also