Importing a Project into SAS AppDev Studio 4.4

You can import a project using an archive of the source workspace or access to the 3.41 workspace directory. If the 3.41 workspace is on a different system, archive the workspace or the individual projects, and then copy them to the system where SAS AppDev Studio 4.4 is installed.
To import a SAS project:
  1. From Eclipse, select Filethen selectImport.
  2. Expand the General folder.
  3. Select Existing Projects into Workspace and click Next.
  4. To import from a SAS AppDev Studio 3.41 workspace directory, select Select root directory and click Browse.
    To import from an archive, select Select archive file, and click Browse.
  5. Select one of the following:
    • the project folder under the workspace
    • the workspace directory to import all the enclosed projects
    • the archive file
  6. Select Copy projects into workspace.
  7. If more than one project is available for import, use the check boxes to enable those projects that you want to import and disable those that you do not want to import.
  8. Click Finish.