DROP Statement (Optional)

Drops the specified item so that it is not available for selection.

Applies to: access descriptors only


DROP variable-identifier <…variable-identifier-n> ;


The DROP statement drops the specified variable from the access descriptor so that the variable is not available for selection when creating a view descriptor. The specified variable in the database remains unaffected by the DROP statement.
variable-identifier can be one of the following:
  • the current SAS name for the item
  • the positional equivalent, which is the number that represents the item, as specified in the LIST statement
  • the SYSTEM 2000 C-number of the database item.
For example, if you want to drop the third and fifth items, submit the following statement:
drop 3 5;
If you are creating an access descriptor in interactive line mode and want to mark an item as display that was previously marked as non-display with the DROP statement, use the RESET statement for that item.
Note: If you drop a record, every item in the record is dropped.
Note: If you use the RESET statement for an item, the various attributes of that item are reset (such as name, format, and so on) to their default values.