Charting Data

You can use the CHART procedure to chart data that is described by view descriptors in the same way that you use PROC CHART with SAS data files. See the output, which shows the output produced by the following program, that uses the view descriptor Vlib.EmpPos to create a vertical bar chart of the number of employees each manager has had. The number of employees for each manager is represented by the height of the bar.
    proc chart data=vlib.emppos(s2kpw=demo);
       vbar manager;
       title2 'Data Described by VLIB.EMPPOS';
Vertical Bar Chart Showing Number of Employees per Manager
                       Data Described by VLIB.EMPPOS                       1
       8 +                                                       **
         |                                                       **
       7 +                                                       **
         |                                                       **
       6 +                                                       **
         |                                                       **
       5 +             **                                        **
         |             **                                        **
       4 +             **    **             ** **             ** **
         |             **    **             ** **             ** **
       3 +    **    ** **    ** **          ** ** ** **    ** ** **
         |    **    ** **    ** **          ** ** ** **    ** ** **
       2 +    ** ** ** ** ** ** **    **    ** ** ** **    ** ** **
         |    ** ** ** ** ** ** **    **    ** ** ** **    ** ** **
       1 + ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
         | ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
            A  C  F  G  H  I  J  J  J  J  M  M  O  P  P  R  S  T  V
            F  P  A  V  E  L  B  C  F  L  A  Y  M  Q  R  M  Q  Z  P
            G  W  C  H  B  P  M     S  H  S  J  G     K  J  T  R  B
For more information about the CHART procedure, see the Base SAS Procedures Guide. If you have SAS/GRAPH software licensed at your site, you can create colored block charts, plots, and other graphics based on SYSTEM 2000 data. See SAS/GRAPH: Reference for more information.