This example connects
to DB2 and sends it two EXECUTE statements to process.
proc sql;
connect to db2 (ssid=db2);
execute (create view testid.whotookorders as
select ordernum, takenby, firstname,
lastname, phone
from testid.orders, testid.employees
where testid.orders.takenby=
by db2;
execute (grant select on testid.whotookorders
to testuser) by db2;
disconnect from db2;
This next example omits
the optional CONNECT statement, uses the default DB2SSID= setting,
and performs a query (shown in highlighting) on the Testid.Customers
proc sql;
select * from connection to db2
(select * from testid.customers where customer like '1%');
disconnect from db2;
This example creates
the Vlib.StockOrd SQL view that is based on the Testid.Orders table.
Testid.Orders is an SQL/DS table that is accessed through DRDA.
libname vlib 'SAS-library'
proc sql;
connect to db2 (server=testserver);
create view vlib.stockord as
select * from connection to db2
(select ordernum, stocknum, shipto, dateorderd
from testid.orders);
disconnect from db2;