SAS steps called threaded applications
are automatically eligible for a threaded Read. Threaded applications
are bottom-to-top fully threaded SAS procedures that perform data
reads, numerical algorithms, and data analysis in threads. Only some
SAS procedures are threaded applications. Here is a basic example
of PROC REG, a SAS threaded application.
libname lib oracle user=scott password=tiger;
proc reg simple
data=lib.salesdata (keep=salesnumber maxsales);
var _all_;
For DBMSs, many more
SAS steps can become eligible for a threaded Read, specifically, steps
with a read-only table. A libref has the form Lib.DbTable, where Lib
is a SAS libref that "points" to DBMS data, and DbTable is a DBMS
table. Here are sample read-only tables for which threaded Reads can
be turned on.
libname lib oracle user=scott password=tiger;
proc print data=lib.dbtable;
data local;
set lib.families;
where gender="F";
An eligible SAS step
can require user assistance to actually perform threaded Reads. If
SAS cannot automatically generate a partitioning WHERE clause or otherwise
perform threaded Reads, the user can code an option that supplies
partitioning. To determine whether SAS can automatically generate
a partitioning WHERE clause, use the
SASTRACELOC= system options.
Threaded Reads can be
turned off altogether. This eliminates additional DBMS activity associated
with SAS threaded Reads, such as additional DBMS connections and multiple
SQL statements.
Threaded Reads are not
supported for the pass-through facility, in which you code your own
DBMS-specific SQL that is passed directly to the DBMS for processing.