Specifies whether and when SAS procedures generate SQL for in-database processing of source data.
Valid in: SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement
Restriction: You must specify NONE and DBMS, which indicate the primary state.
Data source: Aster nCluster, DB2 under UNIX and PC Hosts, Greenplum, Netezza, Oracle, Teradata
See: SQLGENERATION= system option, Precedence of Values for SQLGENERATION= LIBNAME and System Options, SAS In-Database Products: Administrator’s Guide


SQLGENERATION=<(>NONE | DBMS <DBMS='engine1 engine2…enginen'>
<<EXCLUDEDB=engine | 'engine1 engine2…enginen'>>
proc1 proc2…procn' enginen='proc1 proc2…procn' "> <)>>

Syntax Description

prevents those SAS procedures that are enabled for in-database processing from generating SQL for in-database processing. This is a primary state.
allows SAS procedures that are enabled for in-database processing to generate SQL for in-database processing of DBMS tables through supported SAS/ACCESS engines. This is a primary state.
DBMS='engine1 engine2…enginen'
specifies one or more SAS/ACCESS engines. It modifies the primary state.
Restriction:The maximum length of an engine name is 8 characters.
EXCLUDEDB=engine | 'engine1 engine2…enginen'
prevents SAS procedures from generating SQL for in-database processing for one or more specified SAS/ACCESS engines.
Restriction:The maximum length of an engine name is 8 characters.
EXCLUDEPROC="engine='proc1 proc2…procn' enginen='proc1 proc2…procn' "
identifies engine-specific SAS procedures that do not support in-database processing.
Restrictions:The maximum length of a procedure name is 16 characters.

An engine can appear only once, and a procedure can appear only once for a given engine.

" "
resets the value to the default that was shipped.


Use this option with such procedures as PROC FREQ to indicate what SQL is generated for in-database processing based on the type of subsetting that you need and the SAS/ACCESS engines that you want to access the source table.
The maximum length of the option value is 4096. Also, parentheses are required when this option value contains multiple keywords.
Not all procedures support SQL generation for in-database processing for every engine type. If you specify an unsupported setting, an error message indicates the level of SQL generation that is not supported, and the procedure can reset to the default so that source table records can be read and processed within SAS. If this is not possible, the procedure ends and sets SYSERR= as needed.
You can specify different SQLGENERATION= values for the DATA= and OUT= data sets by using different LIBNAME statements for each of these two data sets.