Descriptions of the Sample Data

The PROC CONTENTS output excerpts in this section describe DBMS tables and SAS data sets that are used in the sample code.
Description of the March DBMS Data
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
  #    Variable    Type    Len    Pos    Format    Informat

  7    boarded     Num       8     24
  8    capacity    Num       8     32
  2    dates       Num       8      0    DATE9.    DATE7.
  3    depart      Num       8      8    TIME5.    TIME5.
  5    dest        Char      3     46
  1    flight      Char      3     40
  6    miles       Num       8     16
  4    orig        Char      3     43
Description of the Delay DBMS Data
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
 #    Variable    Type    Len    Pos    Format    Informat

 2    dates       Num       8      0    DATE9.    DATE7.
 7    delay       Num       8      8
 5    delaycat    Char     15     25
 4    dest        Char      3     22
 6    destype     Char     15     40
 1    flight      Char      3     16
 3    orig        Char      3     19
Description of the InterNat DBMS Data
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
 #    Variable    Type    Len    Pos    Format    Informat

 4    boarded     Num       8      8
 2    dates       Num       8      0    DATE9.    DATE7.
 3    dest        Char      3     19
 1    flight      Char      3     16
Description of the Schedule DBMS Data
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
 #    Variable    Type    Len    Pos    Format    Informat

 2    dates       Num       8      0    DATE9.    DATE7.
 3    dest        Char      3     11
 1    flight      Char      3      8
 4    idnum       Char      4     14
Description of the Payroll DBMS Data
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
 #    Variable    Type    Len    Pos    Format    Informat

 5    birth       Num       8      8    DATE9.    DATE7.
 6    hired       Num       8     16    DATE9.    DATE7.
 1    idnum       Char      4     24
 3    jobcode     Char      3     29
 4    salary      Num       8      0
 2    sex         Char      1     28
Description of the Payroll2 DBMS Data
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
 #    Variable    Type    Len    Pos    Format    Informat

 5    birth       Num       8      8    DATE9.    DATE7.
 6    hired       Num       8     16    DATE9.    DATE7.
 1    idnum       Char      4     24
 3    jobcode     Char      3     29
 4    salary      Num       8      0
 2    sex         Char      1     28
Description of the Staff DBMS Data
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
 #    Variable    Type    Len    Pos

 4    city        Char     15     34
 3    fname       Char     15     19
 6    hphone      Char     12     51
 1    idnum       Char      4      0
 2    lname       Char     15      4
 5    state       Char      2     49
Description of the Superv DBMSData
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
 #    Variable    Type    Len    Pos    Label

 3    jobcat      Char      2      6    Job Category
 2    state       Char      2      4
 1    supid       Char      4      0    Supervisor Id
Description of the Invoices DBMSData
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
 #    Variable    Type    Len    Pos    Format

 3    AMTBILL     Num       8      8
 5    AMTINUS     Num       8     16
 6    BILLEDBY    Num       8     24
 7    BILLEDON    Num       8     32    DATE9.
 2    BILLEDTO    Char      8     48
 4    COUNTRY     Char     20     56
 1    INVNUM      Num       8      0
 8    PAIDON      Num       8     40    DATE9.
Description of the Employees DBMS Data
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
 #    Variable    Type    Len    Pos    Format

 7    BIRTHDTE    Num       8     32    DATE9.
 4    DEPT        Char      6     40
 1    EMPID       Num       8      0
 9    FRSTNAME    Char     15     65
 6    GENDER      Char      1     46
 2    HIREDATE    Num       8      8    DATE9.
 5    JOBCODE     Num       8     24
 8    LASTNAME    Char     18     47
10    MIDNAME     Char     15     80
11    PHONE       Char      4     95
 3    SALARY      Num       8     16
Description of the Customers DBMS Data
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
 #    Variable    Type    Len    Pos    Format

 8    ADDRESS     Char     40    145
 9    CITY        Char     25    185
 7    CONTACT     Char     30    115
 4    COUNTRY     Char     20     23
 1    CUSTOMER    Char      8      8
10    FIRSTORD    Num       8      0    DATE9.
 6    NAME        Char     60     55
 5    PHONE       Char     12     43
 2    STATE       Char      2     16
 3    ZIPCODE     Char      5     18
Description of the Faborder DBMS Data
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
 #    Variable    Type    Len    Pos    Format

 6    DATEORD     Num       8     32    DATE9.
 4    FABCHARG    Num       8     24
 3    LENGTH      Num       8     16
 1    ORDERNUM    Num       8      0
 9    PROCSBY     Num       8     56
 7    SHIPPED     Num       8     40    DATE9.
 5    SHIPTO      Char      8     64
10    SPECFLAG    Char      1     72
 2    STOCKNUM    Num       8      8
 8    TAKENBY     Num       8     48
Description of the TempEmps SAS Data Set
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
 #    Variable    Type    Len    Pos    Format    Informat

 3    dept        Char      6     24
 1    empid       Num       8      0
 8    familyid    Num       8     16
 6    firstnam    Char     15     49
 4    gender      Char      1     30
 2    hiredate    Num       8      8    DATE9.    DATE.
 5    lastname    Char     18     31
 7    middlena    Char     15     64