you use the DB2 interface, you can enable each client to control its
own connections using its own authority—instead of sharing
connections with other clients—by using the DB2 Recoverable
Resource Manager Services Attachment Facility (RRSAF). See
DB2 Attachment Facilities (CAF and RRSAF) for information about this facility.
When you use
Interface to DB2 under
z/OS with RRSAF, the authorization mechanism
works differently than it does in Base SAS:
In Base SAS, the SAS server
always validates
the client's authority before allowing the client to access a resource.
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2
z/OS (with RRSAF), DB2 checks the authorization identifier that
is carried by the connection from the SAS server. In most situations,
this is the client's authorization identifier. In one situation, however,
this is the SAS server's authorization identifier. A client can access
a resource by using the
server's authorization
identifier only if the client uses a libref that was predefined in
the server session.
In this next example,
a user assigns the libref SRVPRELIB in the SRV1 server session. In
the client session, a user then issues a LIBNAME statement that makes
a logical assignment using the libref MYPRELIB, and the user specifies
the LIBNAME option SERVER=srv1. The client can then access resources
by using the server's authority for the connection.
In the server session
libname srvprelib db2 ssid=db25;
proc server id=srv1;
In the client session
libname myprelib server=srv1 slibref=srvprelib;
proc print data=myprelib.db2table;
In this example, because
the client specifies a regular libref, MYDBLIB, the client has its
own authority for the connections.
In the server session
libname myprelib db2 ssid=db25;
proc server id=srv1;
In the client session
libname mydblib server=srv1 roptions='ssid=db25' rengine=db2;
proc print data=mydblib.db2table;
In this table,
clients use LIBNAME statements to access SAS libraries and DB2 data
through the server. In this description, a
logical LIBNAME
statement is a statement that associates a libref with another libref
that was previously assigned.
Librefs and Their Authorization Implications
libname local v8 'SAS.library'
libname dblocal db2
These statements execute
in the client session. these are local assignments. The authority
ID is the ID of the client.
libname remote 'SAS.library'
server=serv1 rengine=v8 roptions='disp=old';
libname dbremote server=serv1
rengine=db2 roptions='connection=unique';
These statements execute
in the server session on behalf of the client. Libref Remote is a
Base SAS engine remote assignment. Libref DbRemote is a DB2 engine
remote assignment. In both cases, the authority ID is the ID of the
Session (id=serv1)
libname predef v8 'SAS.library'
libname dbpredef db2
Because librefs PreDef
and DbPreDef are defined in the server session, they can be referenced
only by a client using a logical LIBNAME statement. There is no authority
ID because clients cannot access these librefs directly.
Assignments - Client Session
libname dbalias (dblocal);
These statements create
aliases ALIAS and DBALIAS for librefs Local and DbLocal, which were
assigned in the client session above. The authority ID is the ID of
the client.
libname logic server=serv1
libname dblogic server=serv1
These statements refer
to librefs PreDef and DbPreDef, which were assigned in the server
session above.
Libref Logic is a Base
SAS engine logical assignment of remote libref PreDef. The authority
ID for libref Logic is the ID of the client.
Libref DbLogic is a
DB2 engine logical assignment of remote libref DbPreDef. The authority
ID for libref DbLogic is the ID of the server.
For the Base SAS engine
Remote and Logic librefs, it is the client’s authority that
is verified. (This is true for all Base SAS engine assignments.) DbRemote
and DbLogic DB2 engine librefs refer to the same resources. However,
it is the client’s authority that is verified for DbRemote,
whereas it is the server’s authority that is verified for DbLogic.
When using the DB2 interface, you can determine whether to use the
client’s authority or the server’s authority to access
DB2 data.