The following table shows
all data types and default SAS formats that
SAS/ACCESS Interface to
Microsoft SQL Server supports.
Microsoft SQL Server Data Types and Default SAS Formats
Microsoft SQL Server
Data Type
m or m.n or
none if m and n are
not specified
m or m.n or
none if m and n are
not specified
Microsoft SQL Server
cannot support fractions of seconds for time values
DATETIME m.n where m and n depend
on precision
1Because the Microsoft SQL
Server driver does the conversion, this field is displayed as if the
$HEXn. format were applied.
The following table
shows the default data types that the Microsoft SQL Server interface
uses when creating tables.
Default Microsoft SQL Server Output Data Types
Default Microsoft SQL
Server Data Type
using m.n if the DBMS allows
The Microsoft SQL Server
interface allows non-default data types to be specified with the
DBTYPE= data set option.