Naming Conventions for DB2 under UNIX and PC Hosts

For general information about this feature, see SAS Names and Support for DBMS Names.
The PRESERVE_TAB_NAMES= and PRESERVE_COL_NAMES= options determine how SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 under UNIX and PC Hosts handles case sensitivity, spaces, and special characters. (For information about these options, see Overview: LIBNAME Statement for Relational Databases .) DB2 is not case sensitive and all names default to uppercase.
DB2 objects include tables, views, columns, and indexes. They follow these naming conventions.
  • A name can begin with a letter or one of these symbols: dollar sign ($), number or pound sign (#), or at symbol (@).
  • A table name must be from 1 to 128 characters long. A column name must from 1 to 30 characters long.
  • A name can contain the letters A to Z, any valid letter with a diacritic, numbers from 0 to 9, underscore (_), dollar sign ($), number or pound sign (#), or at symbol (@).
  • Names are not case sensitive. For example, the table names CUSTOMER and Customer are the same, but object names are converted to uppercase when they are entered. If a name is enclosed in quotation marks, the name is case sensitive.
  • A name cannot be a DB2- or an SQL-reserved word, such as WHERE or VIEW.
  • A name cannot be the same as another DB2 object that has the same type.
Schema and database names have similar conventions, except that they are each limited to 30 and 8 characters respectively. For more information, see your DB2 SQL reference documentation.