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Accessing DBMS Data with the LIBNAME Statement |
Overview |
Examples in this section illustrate basic uses of other SAS procedures with librefs that refer to DBMS data.
Using the MEANS Procedure |
This example uses the PRINT and MEANS procedures on a SAS data set created from the Oracle table March. The MEANS procedure provides information about the largest number of passengers on each flight.
libname mydblib oracle user=testuser password=testpass; title 'Number of Passengers per Flight by Date'; proc print data=mydblib.march noobs; var dates boarded; by flight dest; sumby flight; sum boarded; format dates datetime9.; run; title 'Maximum Number of Passengers per Flight'; proc means data=mydblib.march fw=5 maxdec=1 max; var boarded; class flight; run;
Using the PRINT and MEANS Procedures
Number of Passengers per Flight by Date ----------------------------- FLIGHT=132 DEST=YYZ ------------------------------ DATE BOARDED 01MAR1998 115 02MAR1998 106 03MAR1998 75 04MAR1998 117 05MAR1998 157 06MAR1998 150 07MAR1998 164 --------- ------- FLIGHT 884 ----------------------------- FLIGHT=219 DEST=LON ------------------------------ DATE BOARDED 01MAR1998 198 02MAR1998 147 03MAR1998 197 04MAR1998 232 05MAR1998 160 06MAR1998 163 07MAR1998 241 --------- ------- FLIGHT 1338
Maximum Number of Passengers per Flight The MEANS Procedure Analysis Variable : BOARDED FLIGHT N Obs Max 132 7 164.0 219 7 241.0
Using the DATASETS Procedure |
This example uses the DATASETS procedure to view a list of DBMS tables, in this case, in an Oracle database.
Note: The
MODIFY and ALTER statements in PROC DATASETS are not available for use with
librefs that refer to DBMS data.
libname mydblib oracle user=testuser password=testpass; title 'Table Listing'; proc datasets lib=mydblib; contents data=_all_ nods; run;
Table Listing The DATASETS Procedure -----Directory----- Libref: MYDBLIB Engine: Oracle Physical Name: Schema/User: testuser # Name Memtype ---------------------- 1 BIRTHDAY DATA 2 CUST DATA 3 CUSTOMERS DATA 4 DELAY DATA 5 EMP DATA 6 EMPLOYEES DATA 7 FABORDER DATA 8 INTERNAT DATA 9 INVOICES DATA 10 INVS DATA
Using the CONTENTS Procedure |
This example shows output from the CONTENTS procedure when it is run on a DBMS table. PROC CONTENTS shows all SAS metadata that the SAS/ACCESS interface derives from the DBMS table.
libname mydblib oracle user=testuser password=testpass; title 'Contents of the DELAY Table'; proc contents data=mydblib.delay; run;
Contents of the DELAY Table The CONTENTS Procedure Data Set Name: MYDBLIB.DELAY Observations: . Member Type: DATA Variables: 7 Engine: Oracle Indexes: 0 Created: . Observation Length: 0 Last Modified: . Deleted Observations: 0 Protection: Compressed: NO Data Set Type: Sorted: NO Label: -----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes----- # Variable Type Len Pos Format Informat Label ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 DATES Num 8 8 DATETIME20. DATETIME20. DATES 7 DELAY Num 8 64 DELAY 5 DELAYCAT Char 15 32 $15. $15. DELAYCAT 4 DEST Char 3 24 $3. $3. DEST 6 DESTYPE Char 15 48 $15. $15. DESTYPE 1 FLIGHT Char 3 0 $3. $3. FLIGHT 3 ORIG Char 3 16 $3. $3. ORIG
Using the RANK Procedure |
This example uses the RANK procedure to rank flights in the DB2 table Delay by number of minutes delayed.
libname mydblib db2 ssid=db2; options obs=20; proc rank data=mydblib.delay descending ties=low out=ranked; var delay; ranks RANKING; run; proc print data=ranked; title 'Ranking of Delayed Flights'; format delay 2.0 dates datetime9.; run;
Ranking of Delayed Flights 1 OBS FLIGHT DATES ORIG DEST DELAYCAT DESTYPE DELAY RANKING 1 114 01MAR1998 LGA LAX 1-10 Minutes Domestic 8 9 2 202 01MAR1998 LGA ORD No Delay Domestic -5 42 3 219 01MAR1998 LGA LON 11+ Minutes International 18 4 4 622 01MAR1998 LGA FRA No Delay International -5 42 5 132 01MAR1998 LGA YYZ 11+ Minutes International 14 8 6 271 01MAR1998 LGA PAR 1-10 Minutes International 5 13 7 302 01MAR1998 LGA WAS No Delay Domestic -2 36 8 114 02MAR1998 LGA LAX No Delay Domestic 0 28 9 202 02MAR1998 LGA ORD 1-10 Minutes Domestic 5 13 10 219 02MAR1998 LGA LON 11+ Minutes International 18 4 11 622 02MAR1998 LGA FRA No Delay International 0 28 12 132 02MAR1998 LGA YYZ 1-10 Minutes International 5 13 13 271 02MAR1998 LGA PAR 1-10 Minutes International 4 19 14 302 02MAR1998 LGA WAS No Delay Domestic 0 28 15 114 03MAR1998 LGA LAX No Delay Domestic -1 32 16 202 03MAR1998 LGA ORD No Delay Domestic -1 32 17 219 03MAR1998 LGA LON 1-10 Minutes International 4 19 18 622 03MAR1998 LGA FRA No Delay International -2 36 19 132 03MAR1998 LGA YYZ 1-10 Minutes International 6 12 20 271 03MAR1998 LGA PAR 1-10 Minutes International 2 25
Using the TABULATE Procedure |
This example uses the TABULATE procedure on the Oracle table Payroll to display a chart of the number of employees for each job code.
libname mydblib oracle user=testuser password=testpass; title "Number of Employees by Jobcode"; proc tabulate data=mydblib.payroll format=3.0; class jobcode; table jobcode*n; keylabel n="#"; run;
Number of Employees by Jobcode 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- | JOBCODE | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |BCK|FA1|FA2|FA3|ME1|ME2|ME3|NA1|NA2|PT1|PT2|PT3|SCP|TA1|TA2|TA3| |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| | # | # | # | # | # | # | # | # | # | # | # | # | # | # | # | # | |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| | 9| 11| 16| 7| 8| 14| 7| 5| 3| 8| 10| 2| 7| 9| 20| 12| -----------------------------------------------------------------
Using the APPEND Procedure |
In this example, the DB2 table Payroll2 is appended to the DB2 table Payroll with the APPEND procedure. The Payroll table is updated on DB2.
Note: When you append data to a DBMS table, you are actually
inserting rows into a table. The rows can be inserted into the DBMS table
in any order.
libname mydblib db2 ssid=db2; proc append base=mydblib.payroll data=mydblib.payroll2; run; proc print data=mydblib.payroll; title 'PAYROLL After Appending PAYROLL2'; format birth datetime9. hired datetime9.; run;
Note: In cases where a DBMS table that you
are using is in the same database space as a table that you are creating or
updating, use the LIBNAME option CONNECTION=SHARED to prevent
a deadlock.
PAYROLL After Appending PAYROLL2 1 OBS IDNUM SEX JOBCODE SALARY BIRTH HIRED 1 1919 M TA2 34376 12SEP1960 04JUN1987 2 1653 F ME2 35108 15OCT1964 09AUG1990 3 1400 M ME1 29769 05NOV1967 16OCT1990 4 1350 F FA3 32886 31AUG1965 29JUL1990 5 1401 M TA3 38822 13DEC1950 17NOV1985 6 1499 M ME3 43025 26APR1954 07JUN1980 7 1101 M SCP 18723 06JUN1962 01OCT1990 8 1333 M PT2 88606 30MAR1961 10FEB1981 9 1402 M TA2 32615 17JAN1963 02DEC1990 10 1479 F TA3 38785 22DEC1968 05OCT1989 11 1403 M ME1 28072 28JAN1969 21DEC1991 12 1739 M PT1 66517 25DEC1964 27JAN1991 13 1658 M SCP 17943 08APR1967 29FEB1992 14 1428 F PT1 68767 04APR1960 16NOV1991 15 1782 M ME2 35345 04DEC1970 22FEB1992 16 1244 M ME2 36925 31AUG1963 17JAN1988 17 1383 M BCK 25823 25JAN1968 20OCT1992 18 1574 M FA2 28572 27APR1960 20DEC1992 19 1789 M SCP 18326 25JAN1957 11APR1978 20 1404 M PT2 91376 24FEB1953 01JAN1980
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