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The DBLOAD Procedure for Relational Databases

RENAME Statement

Renames DBMS columns
Interacts with: DELETE, LABEL, RESET

RENAME variable-identifier-1 = <'>column-name-1<'> <...variable-identifier-n = <'>column-name-n<'>>;


The RENAME statement changes the names of the DBMS columns that are associated with the listed SAS variables. If you omit the RENAME statement, all DBMS column names default to the corresponding SAS variable names unless you specify the LABEL statement.

The variable-identifier argument can be either the SAS variable name or the positional equivalent from the LIST statement. The positional equivalent is the number that represents where to place the variable in the data set. For example, submit this statement if you want to rename the column associated with the third SAS variable:

rename 3=employeename;

The column-name argument must be a valid DBMS column name. If the column name includes lowercase characters, special characters, or national characters, you must enclose the column name in single or double quotation marks. If no quotation marks are used, the DBMS column name is created in uppercase. To preserve case, use this syntax: rename 3='"employeename"'

The RENAME statement enables you to include variables that you have previously deleted. For example, suppose you submit these statements:

delete 3;
rename 3=empname;

The DELETE statement drops the third variable. The RENAME statement includes the third variable and assigns the name EMPNAME and the default column type to it.

You can list as many variables as you want in one RENAME statement. The RENAME statement overrides the LABEL statement for columns that are renamed. COLUMN is an alias for the RENAME statement.

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