BL_DB2REC= Data Set Option

Specifies the SYSREC data set name for the LOAD utility.
Valid in: DATA and PROC steps (when accessing DBMS data using SAS/ACCESS software)
Default: a generated data set name
Requirement: To specify this option, you must first set BULKLOAD=YES.
Data source: DB2 under z/OS
See: BULKLOAD= data set option




The value of BL_DB2LDEXT= allocates this option. It is initially allocated as SPACE=(cyl,(BL_DB2RECSP, 10%(BL_DB2RECSP)),rlse). The default is a generated data set name, which appears in output that is written to the DB2PRINT data set name. It supports these DCB attributes for existing data sets:
DSORG=PS LRECL=any valid value for RECFM
RECFM=FB BLKSIZE=any valid value for RECFM