You can use these data types when you use the CREATE
statement using the SQL pass-through facility to create a table. You
can also use the data types when you use data set option DBTYPE to
change the data type for a loaded column.
Microsoft Jet Provider Supported Data Types
1When you use the data type
DECIMAL, you can specify precision and scale.
2When you use the DBTYPE
option, theCOUNTER data type is valid only when you set INSERT SQL=YES.
The COUNTER data type is supported only in the pass-through facility
when you create a table.
3When you use the pass-through
facility to set a date/time value, you must add the prefix and suffix,
#. For example, #01/01/2001# and #03/12/1999 12:12:12#.
4When you use the data types
VARCHAR or VARBINARY, you must specify the maximum length.
5All Excel columns can have
a null value. Do not specify NOTNULL for a column when you create
an Excel table. You can specifyNULL or NULL attributes for a field
when you create a Microsoft Excel table.