filename myref '/my_dir/myfile.dbf';
PROC DBF DB5=emp DATA=mylib.employee;
The DB n = option is required.
All SAS character variables become DBF fields of the same length.
When you convert a SAS data set to a DBF file that is compatible with
dBASE III or later, SAS date variables become DBF date fields. When
you convert a SAS data set to a dBASE II file, SAS date variables
become dBASE II character fields in the form YYYYMMDD.
All SAS character variables become DBF fields of the same length.
When you convert a SAS data set to a DBF file that is compatible with
dBASE III or later, SAS date variables become DBF date fields. When
you convert a SAS data set to a dBASE II file, SAS date variables
become dBASE II character fields in the form YYYYMMDD