LIST Statement

Lists all or selected items in the descriptor and information about the items.

Type: Optional statement
Applies to: access descriptor or view descriptor


LIST <ALL | VIEW | index-number | item-name> <blanks | DB | DESC> ;


The LIST statement consists of two sets of arguments. Select one argument from the first set to select the items to be displayed, and select one argument from the second set to specify the type of information to be displayed about the selected items. The first set includes the following arguments:


lists all the items in the access descriptor that are available for selection. If an item is dropped, NON-DISPLAY is displayed next to the item's description when listing an access descriptor. When listing a view descriptor, dropped items are not displayed.


lists all the items in the access descriptor that are selected for the view descriptor.


specifies the index number that corresponds to the IMS item for which you want to display the current status. The index number represents the item's place in the descriptor.


specifies the name of an IMS item for which you want to display the current status.

The second set includes the following arguments:


lists the SAS information, including the DB Format and SAS format information, for the specified items. To use this argument, include only the ALL, VIEW, item-name, or index-number argument from the first set to specify the items.


lists the database information, including the DB Content, segment name, search field, segment length, key field, and occur field information, for the specified items. Use the ALL, VIEW, item-name or index-number argument before this argument to specify which items to list.


lists both SAS and database information for the specified items. Use the ALL, VIEW, item-name or index-number argument before this argument to specify which items to list.


The LIST statement lists all or selected items in the descriptor and information about the items.
Note: The LIST statement output is written to the SAS log.