Executing SAS/ACCESS Programs in Batch Mode

Executing a Cataloged Procedure

The JCL (job control language) that is required to execute programs using the SAS/ACCESS interface to IMS in z/OS batch mode is similar to that of other SAS jobs in z/OS batch mode. For general information about SAS jobs in z/OS batch environments, see the SAS Companion for z/OS.
The JCL for a batch job that accesses IMS data requires that you specify your site's designated cataloged procedure in the EXEC statement. So, instead of specifying your site's default SAS cataloged procedure (such as // EXEC SAS), you use the following EXEC statement:
// EXEC your-cataloged-procedure
The name of the cataloged procedure that invokes SAS and supports the use of the SAS/ACCESS interface to IMS differs at each installation, particularly if your installation uses separate cataloged procedures for accessing test databases and production DL/I databases. Be sure to check with your on-site SAS support personnel for the correct procedure name. (SAS no longer supplies the SAS 5 SASDLI cataloged procedure.) The installation notes that are shipped with the SAS/ACCESS interface to IMS explain to your database administrator how to create a cataloged procedure for your site.
The cataloged procedure for accessing IMS data contains all of the JCL statements and parameters that the SAS cataloged procedure contains, plus JCL statements and parameters necessary for the run-time execution of the IMS engine interface and IMS DATA step programs. PROC ACCESS can use the standard SAS catalog if the only task that you are performing is creating descriptor files.

DD Statements

If you execute DL/I calls through a batch DL/I region (DLI or DBB), DD statements for all the database and index data sets that are accessed must be included in the job step JCL. Ddnames and DS names (names of database data sets) must be obtained from the DBA staff at your site. Data sets that support the index must be allocated for the HIDAM database type.
If you execute DL/I calls through an online DL/I access region (BMP), database data sets are allocated to the DL/I control region or to the CICS control region. Therefore, you do not need to include ddnames for them in the job step JCL.
When you execute a batch DL/I region and want to log updates, you need a DD statement for a log data set. For information about using the IMSLOG option, on pointing to the IMS resident libraries, and information about pointing to the DBD, PSB, and ACBLIB, check with your DBA or see the installation instructions for the SAS/ACCESS interface to IMS.
All other JCL considerations that are outlined in the SAS Companion for z/OS apply to the IMS engine interface and IMS DATA step execution.