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Information for the Database Administrator

Error Messages and Debugging Information for CA-Datacom/DB

If you are experiencing a problem with the SAS/ACCESS interface to CA-Datacom/DB, the technical support staff at SAS Institute might ask you to provide additional debugging information. They might instruct you to set a debugging option for your job and rerun it.

The DDBTRACE option is available as a data set option on your PROC statement or DATA step. You can also set DDBTRACE as a system option. For example, if DDBTRACE equals 1, you can look at the WHERE clause that was processed. If you specify DDBTRACE=1, the view descriptor WHERE clause and the SAS WHERE clause, if any, appear on the SAS log. The display also shows the various fields that make up the key fields. For example, suppose POLI is a key field composed of two fields, PO and LI, and you specify the following:

poli eq \2222\0000

The WHERE clause display shows the following:

po eq 2222 and li eq 0000

Note:   The engine translates the SAS WHERE clause (if any) as much as possible into CA-Datacom/DB format and connects it to the view WHERE clause with the AND operator.  [cautionend]

The text of most error messages is self-explanatory. However, some error messages have a prefix containing a display code decimal number. This prefixed number contains the CA-Datacom/DB return code and the internal return code. For example, in the following message

10.0 Duplicate Master Key not allowed

the number 10 is the return code and 0 is the internal return code.

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