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Getting Started with SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3

Searching R/3 Metadata

The SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3 provides a robust search capability that you can use to search your metadata for specific information.

For example, to search for all tables that contain the word "scrap" in their metadata:

  1. From SAS, start the SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3 to display the SAS/ACCESS to R/3 window.

  2. Double-click the Search Metadata icon to display the Data Dictionary Search Facility window:

    Data Dictionary Search Facility Window

    [Data Dictionary Search Facility Window]

  3. Click inside the text entry field on the Search String tab, and then enter text to search for, such as the word "scrap". Click Search. A list of tables will display in the table in the bottom of the Search String tab as shown in the following figure:

    Data Dictionary Search Facility Window (Searching for `scrap')

    [Data Dictionary Search Facility Window (Searching for `scrap')]

  4. Double-click a table in the list. The General Attributes for a List of Tables window displays to give you more detailed information about the selected table as shown in the following figure:

    General Attributes for a List of Tables Window

    [General Attributes for a List of Tables Window]

  5. Click OK to return to the Data Dictionary Search Facility window.

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